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GAME OF THRONES Has One Major Twist Left From The Books


This article contains open discussion about everything we've seen on the HBO series Game of Thrones so far, but it doesn't spoil the twist hinted at in the headline. If you aren't caught up with the show, turn back now.

By now it's common knowledge that Game of Thrones has diverged from George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire novels in numerous ways — so many ways, in fact, that we can't even list them all, because in some storylines, the show has moved beyond what Martin has published thus far.

A couple of years ago, showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss sat down with Martin and he told them the broad strokes of the ending of the book saga, and they've taken that information and incorporated it into their own way of telling the story that they think works best for the television medium. During that meeting, he revealed three major plot twists or revelations (what the showrunners called "holy shit moments") to them, and it turns out we've already seen two of them play out on the small screen. The first was Stannis burning his daughter Shireen at the stake, and the second was the devastating origin and fate of Hodor in the most recent episode. So what about the third moment? That one "… is from the very end…,” Benioff told EW.

That doesn't give us much, but at least it leaves us with the hope that something truly surprising is coming. It's unclear whether the revelation in the fan theory R+L=J is what the showrunners are referring to, but (I'll try to be as vague as possible since I don't want to spoil that for you if you don't know anything about it) the identity of Jon Snow's mother was an important factor in Benioff and Weiss getting the job as showrunners in the first place. Before the show began, they sat down with Martin and he asked them who Jon's mom was, and though they won't publicly reveal their answer, it satisfied the author enough to give them his blessing. I'm really hoping that's not what they're talking about here, and that the final big moment is something entirely different. But the showrunners remain convinced about one thing: even with those big moments, the show won't really spoil the books: 

“People are talking about whether the books are going to be spoiled – and it’s really not true,” Benioff said. “So much of what we’re doing diverges from the books at this point. And while there are certain key elements that will be the same, we’re not going to talk so much about that – and I don’t think George is either. People are going to be very surprised when they read the books after the show. They’re quite divergent in so many respects for the remainder of the show.”

Sound off in the comments with your theories about how Game of Thrones (and A Song of Ice and Fire) will come to an epic end! This article's comment section should be considered a full-on spoiler zone, so know what you're getting yourself into before you weigh in.

TWILIGHT ZONE'S Rod Serling Talks About The Show and Japanese Taxis in Animated Interview


If he isn't already, Rod Serling should be known as one of the founders of modern science-fiction. His bizarre and imaginative storytelling on The Twilight Zone stunned audiences at the time and still hold up today.

Even out of character, Serling gives off an air of mystery. Maybe it's his voice? Blank on Blank has reanimated an interview with him from the 1960s, and it's pretty interesting! He describes the show to British audiences who had never seen it, and talks about the dangers of renting a taxi in Japan. Watch the whole thing below.

New WARCRAFT Featurette Teases Gargantuan Battle Scene


Duncan Jones' Warcraft is one of the biggest question marks of the summer for me. There's no question Jones and his team put a tremendous amount of time, energy, and skill into translating the story to the big screen, but will it connect with a larger audience outside of video game fans? We'll find out soon, but in the meantime, Universal has released another featurette to get people hyped up about the large-scale action drama. The video shows off some footage from a huge battle scene that took place "on some of the biggest motion capture sets that have ever been created," and gives a few more quick looks at some of the characters we'll see incorporated into this movie.

Warcraft arrives in theaters on June 10, 2016.

PREACHER and GAME OF THRONES Getting New Posters For Every Episode This Season


Here's some good news for those of you who love crossovers between pop culture art and Sunday night television. AMC's brand new series Preacher and HBO's smash hit Game of Thrones are both receiving new posters after every episode of their respective shows this season.

I'll let Los Angeles-based Gallery1988 explain how the Preacher art will work:

We are so happy to debut our partnership with Sony, AMC and the team behind the highly anticipated new TV show, Preacher. For the past 4 months, we’ve been working with executive producers Seth Rogen & Evan Goldberg, along with the writers of the show, to hand select their favorite scenes and imagery from upcoming episodes, then employ some of our favorite G1988 artists to create screenprints inspired by those specific script pages. In many of the cases, the scenes hadn’t even been filmed yet, creating a very unique, and unprecedented, collaboration. Each print will debut RIGHT after the first airing of a new episode at 11 PM ET / 8 PM PT on PreacherPrints.com.
[Sunday night], the spectacular first episode of Preacher aired, and we have now made Dave Quiggle’s corresponding print available. It’s only $35 and we have just 100 available for purchase. You can pick one up by going to PreacherPrints.com right now.
We’re excited to unveil all the new pieces as every new episode airs, and thrilled to be working with Seth, Evan, Sony and AMC on this project.

You can still buy Quiggle's print for $35 right here, and make sure to bookmark PreacherPrints.com and check back after each episode to see that week's new artwork.

As for Game of Thrones, io9 pointed us to artist Fernando Reza's excellent (if less official) posters for all of this season's episodes thus far.


Visit his site to purchase any of those pieces, and keep an eye over there after each episode airs to see the new pieces as they appear.

Margot Robbie, Simon Pegg, and Mike Myers Join Noir Thriller TERMINAL


Margot Robbie, Simon Pegg, and Mike Myers...how's that for an unlikely trio? THR reports that the three actors have joined a noir thriller called Terminal (which is not, as I hoped, a remake of the similarly-named Tom Hanks movie) for first time writer/director Vaughn SteinDexter Fletcher (who also occasionally directs, as he did with Eddie The Eagle) and Max Irons (The Host, Red Riding Hood) are also on board to appear in the film.

Terminal follows two hit men (Fletcher and Irons) as they embark on a borderline suicide mission for a mysterious employer and a large paycheck. Along the way, the unlikely pair discover that a dynamic woman named Annie (Robbie) may be more involved than they had originally suspected.

Myers has to be playing the "mysterious employer," right? Either way, it'll be cool to see him acting again. He hasn't appeared on the big screen since his small role in Quentin Tarantino's Inglourious Basterds.

Stein worked his way up the Hollywood ladder from a production assistant to an assistant director and a bunch of odd jobs in between, so it's cool that he's been able to secure such a talented cast for his first movie. I have to assume that there's more to this film than just the simple logline we have available to us, because otherwise I find it hard to believe these actors would have come on board. Color me excited for this one.

Wolverine Grunts His Way Through This Honest Trailer For X-MEN: THE ANIMATED SERIES


I loved X-Men: The Animated Series. It was one of my entry points into geek culture when I was growing up, and that theme song is undeniably awesome. In this new video, the ScreenJunkies team trains their ruby visors on the show and gives it the Honest Trailer treatment, and they do a pretty good job...right up until they make an unnecessary sexual joke about Jean Grey. I can't imagine any woman regularly watching this video series and feeling comfortable with it, because they're almost always slipping in unnecessarily objectifying or sexist remarks. I guess they're targeting a demographic that's OK with those kinds of comments, but it rubs me the wrong way every time it happens (and it happens a lot...go back and watch some of their videos and keep an ear out for it if you don't believe me).

CLOWN Trailer: An Unwitting Father Experiences a Terrifying Transformation


Before he becomes a blockbuster-level filmmaker with Spider-Man: Homecoming, director Jon Watts tackled a small-scale horror film called Clown. He finished the movie years ago, but it's been stuck on a shelf for a long time, and now The Weinstein Company is giving it a release this summer. It looks like a twisted version of the family-friendly Christmas movie The Santa Clause: a father rocks a clown costume to celebrate his kid's birthday, but the costume won't come off and he slowly realizes it's cursed and altering his personality in terrifying ways. Eli Roth is producing, and I imagine genre fans have been curious about this one for long enough to want to check it out when it comes to theaters next month.

CLOWN is a story of a loving father who dons a clown outfit and makeup to perform at his son’s sixth birthday, only to later discover that the costume – red nose and wig included– will not come off and his own personality changes in a horrific fashion. To break the curse of the evil outfit, the father must make grim choices with his own family facing danger.

Clown (finally) arrives on June 17, 2016.

Watch: Conan O'Brien, Peter Dinklage, and Lena Headey Play OVERWATCH

Learn How To Make Harley Quinn's Mallet For Less Than $50


DIY Prop Shop teaches fans how to create their own props for less than $50, and the video series' latest effort concentrates on Harley Quinn's mallet. The fan-favorite character is about to make her live-action debut in Suicide Squad, and Margot Robbie is looking to reprise the role in a spin-off as well, so there will be plenty of cosplay opportunities in the years to come, and maybe some of you will find this useful for those purposes.

Biblioclast: Ep. 2.1 — Kafka's Metamorphosis: An Absurd Summary in Two Minutes


We call this a summary, and yes, it vaguely hits the main points of the plot, but…it’s more of a comic monologue by JP about the book. You will also be treated to a sample of JP’s pop vocals. With that, please enjoy our absurd summary which should in no way be used in schools. Listen on PodTyrant


COLLIDE Trailer: Nicholas Hoult Peels Out in Ridiculous Car Thriller


Here's the latest trailer for Collide, a ridiculous-looking B-movie starring X-Men and Fury Road star Nicholas Hoult as a former criminal who has to go back to his life of crime in order to save his girlfriend (Felicity Jones). I'll let the trailer do most of the talking, but let me say this: I don't think this movie is going to be good in any traditional sense, but I do think both Ben Kingsley and Anthony Hopkins look like they're having a hell of a lot of fun here and I think that could very easily translate to an enjoyable night on the couch watching this on Netflix.

Collide hits theaters on August 19, 2016.

Source: Yahoo!

That Big Event From Last Sunday's GAME OF THRONES Will Reportedly Happen Differently in The Books


This article will reveal what happened in the most recent episode of Game of Thrones, so turn back now if you aren't caught up.

I'm still heartbroken over the loss of Hodor in this past Sunday's Game of Thrones episode, even if I don't fully grasp the exact specifics of how it went down. (I may write more about that this week if I have time.) But regardless, it was an absolutely devastating moment, and a terrific piece of television from director Jack Bender and showrunners Benioff and Weiss. It was so good, in fact, that many book readers expressed disappointed that they had to watch it before they read it in George R.R. Martin's (still unpublished) new novel, because the showrunners have said that the origin of Hodor's name came straight from George himself. Some fans, myself included, assumed that meant that the scene in the books plays out just like it did in the show, but according to one Redditor who apparently spoke with Martin about it, that isn't necessarily the case.

Vanity Fair explains that Martin appeared at an event celebrating the new book of writer Joe Hill, and a fan asked him about the Hodor reveal:

He said that his name reveal in the books will differ in the context and how it happens. So while the name will still mean the same thing (Hold the Door), it will be very different from the show's reveal. He said he came up with the name idea in 1991 and seemed depressed that the show got to reveal it before he did. He said he had no one to blame but himself for his slow writing.

It has to be tough for Martin to see everyone react to this special moment on TV instead of in one of his books, since he's had that specific idea in his head for twenty-five years. But if this report is true, then maybe he'll have a chance to craft a situation that's different, but just as heartbreaking in the books...if he ever gets around to finishing them.

Joss Whedon Teases New Project, Is Open to Directing a Female-Driven Marvel Film


As soon as Joss Whedon was done with Avengers: Age of Ultron,he bailed on Marvel. As we’ve all heard the development of that film left a bad taste in his mouth. The filmmaker is now back to working on some of his own projects. One of those projects is an original screenplay about “a girl who goes through some unbelievable shit.” We don’t know much more about it other than that.

I’ve wondered if he would ever come back to Marvel to direct another film, and apparently he’s open to the idea. During an interview with The Wrap, Whedon was asked if he’d be interested in directing a female-driven Marvel franchise and this was his answer:

“Yeah, of course. Although I tend more towards the Jessica Jones-ey kind of stories than the delightful Supergirl stories that my daughter wants.”

I’d love to see Whedon come back for some more Marvel action. Maybe he could direct the Black Widow solo film when Marvel finally gets around to it. He’d be perfect for it. Of course, there are a ton of other female superhero characters in the Marvel universe that he could take on. The first big female-led Marvel feature film will be Captain Marvel, and in regards to that Whedon said:

“[Marvel Studios president] Kevin Feige fought a mighty fight to get [Captain Marvel] on the schedule. So it’s a start. You could say that should be a middle, but it’s a start.”

If Marvel and Whedon were ever going to work together again it’s probably not going to happen for awhile. Right now he’s just focused on his original screenplay, and about that he says:

“It is an original screenplay that is very different from everything I’ve ever done except for that it’s exactly the same. If I could just get a little more traction on that third-act issue.
“It’s the first time in my life I’m writing without a sort of studio audience rating — without a plan. I’m just writing about something I care about, so it’s a little terrifying and it’s taking a little longer. But I think it will be good!”

I’m excited to learn more about this new project that Whedon is working on. But it’s good to know that he’s open to directing another Marvel movie. I'd like to see him make a few of his own original films before he does, though.

Hot Toys Unveils Their EMPIRE STRIKES BACK Yoda Action Figure


Hot Toys has released their latest 1/6th scale Star Wars collectible action figure! This one features Yoda from The Empire Strikes Back. It’s a beautifully crafted piece that wonderfully captures the power, wisdom, and kindness of the character. The one thing that it’s missing that I wish it came with is the snake that came with the classic Kenner action figure. Here’s the description that came along with photos:

“Do or do not. There is no try.”
Jedi Master Yoda was the most wise and powerful of all Jedi. For over 800 years, Yoda instructed young Jedi and instilled in them a profound sense of discipline, strength, and unity. During the dark times when Galactic Empire ruled the galaxy, Luke Skywalker went to Dagobah in search of Yoda for training to become a Jedi which led to path that will restore balance to the galaxy!
Today, Hot Toys is excited to officially present the 1/6th scale Collectible Figure of Luke’s wise mentor Yoda from Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back!
The highly-accurate collectible figure is specially crafted based on the image of Yoda in Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back. It features two newly developed head sculpts, specially developed body, finely tailored costume, a range of detailed accessories including a cane, crate container, small lamp, LED-light up power unit, and Dagobah diorama figure base with rocks. 
Star Wars fans should not miss out on the opportunity to add the legendary Jedi Master to your collection!

A Villainous Group for WOLVERINE 3 Reportedly Revealed


Wolverine 3 is currently shooting in New Orleans with director James Mangold and Hugh Jackman. This is going to be Jackman’s final film in the X-Men universe, and in case you’re wondering who exactly Wolverine will be facing off with in this next chapter of his story, we have a possible answer for you!

We know that this latest Wolverine adventure is inspired by Mark Millar’s Old Man Logan story arc, which features the Logan living in a future world that has been taken over supervillains. The movie is said to be getting an R-rating and so far we know that Jackman will be joined by Patrick Stewart and newcomers Stephen Merchant, Richard E. Grant, Eriq Lasalle, and Boyd Holbrook who is playing a “relentless, calculating… intense head of security for a global enterprise”. 

Nerdist claims to have a source close to the production who revealed who the main villains in the story will be. According to that source, the villains will be the Reavers, who are cyborgs created specifically for the elimination of mutants. The site reports:

A source close to the production told us that Reavers will be battling old man Logan in Wolverine 3. For newbies to the X-Men, Reavers are a group of cyborgs who’ve operated both as a gang of thieves and an elite military task force. Oh, and they’ve got a history of hatin’ on mutants under the leadership of major X-baddie Donald Pierce. In addition to being half-robot, Pierce allegedly built Reavers to wipe out the mutants and some humans.

There’s no word on if Pierce will actually be a part of the film yet. Actor Richard E. Grant is said to be playing a "mad scientist," maybe that will turn out to be Donald Pierce. There’s also a chance that Nathaniel Essex, aka Mr. Sinister, could be a part of the story because his character was teased at the end of X-Men: Apocalypse. In regards to that, Essex Corp. could possibly be behind the creation of the Reavers in the X-Men cinematic universe. Both these options are plausible, but we’ll just have to wait and see. 

If the Reavers are in fact a part of this film, how do you think they’ll be incorporated into the story? Wolverine 3 will be released on March 3rd, 2017.

NECA Reveals Arcade Inspired TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES Action Figures


I don’t know about you, but when I was growing up in the '90s I spent a ridiculous amount of time at the arcade playing Konami’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game. For those of you with fond memories of this game, you’ll love the action figures that were just announced by the collectible toy company NECA.

The figures will be available for purchase this summer at San Diego Comic-Con. The 7” figures will come in two sets of four figures. Below you’ll find a video and some photos showing off the figures. I also included a press released with all of the details:

New sculpts – Tons of accessories – Arcade cabinet packaging
More information regarding pre-orders for those attending SDCC will be announced later this week.
TMNT (Arcade Appearance) – Turtles Box Set: Cowabunga, dude! This SDCC-exclusive box set is based on the classic Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 4-player co-op arcade game and features brand new figure sculpts and deluxe packaging. Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo and Raphael stand approximately 6” tall and feature over 30 points of articulation, including double knee joints to fully showcase their mastery of the martial arts. Special paint deco reflects the Turtles’ in-game appearance. The box set is packed with accessories, including signature weapons, interchangeable hands, pizza power-up and more. The set comes in gorgeous, display-friendly 5th panel window box packaging that re-creates the look of the actual arcade cabinet!
TMNT (Arcade Appearance) – Foot Clan Box Set: Cowabunga, dude! This SDCC-exclusive box set is based on the classic Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 4-player co-op arcade game and features brand new figure sculpts and deluxe packaging. Shredder and the Foot Clan stand approximately 6” tall and feature over 30 points of articulation, including double knee joints for dynamic poses. Special paint deco reflects their in-game appearance. The box set is packed with accessories, including oversized hammer, swords, throwing star, rifle, dynamite and more. The set comes in gorgeous, display-friendly 5th panel window box packaging that re-creates the look of the actual arcade cabinet!

Via: ToyArk

GET SHORTY Is Being Adapted into a TV Series


Get Shorty is such a great film! If you’ve never seen it, you’ve gotta check it out. I bust up laughing every time I watch it. That flick is loaded with amazingly funny one-liners. The film was based off the book by Elmore Leonard, and now the dark comedy Hollywood mob story is being adapted into a TV series for Epix.

There will be ten one-hour episodes being produced through MGM TV and executive producer Davey Holmes (Shameless), who is also writing the series. According to Deadline, the series will center on the character Miles Daly, “who works as muscle for a murderous crime ring in Nevada. For the sake of his daughter, he attempts to change professions and become a movie producer, laundering money through a Hollywood film. But instead of leaving the criminal world behind, he accidentally brings it with him to Los Angeles.”

The movie was hilarious, and I can only hope that the series will be just as good. Mark Burnett and Steve Stark of MGM TV said in a joint statement:

“Davey has created a modern-day re-envisioning of Elmore Leonard’s timeless cult classic where organized crime and Hollywood collide in very funny ways.”

Epix president and CEO Mark S. Greenberg added: 

“I had the pleasure of working with Elmore Leonard early in my career and I am a big fan of his writing. Davey Holmes is a tremendous talent and has created a fantastic new series that is in the spirit of Leonard’s unique brand of social satire and strong narrative voice.”

There are some incredible TV series being developed these days, which gives me confidence in this project. There is just so much more that can be done with telling a story in TV than in film so I know that there’s potential for this Get Shorty series to be great. As long as the series nails the tone and the comedy of the story, they’ll have something special. As a fan of the book and the film, I’m excited to see how this turns out!

Get Shorty will premiere in the summer of 2017.

Robert Kirkman Reveals Six Characters Who Should Die in THE WALKING DEAD


The creator and writer of The Walking Dead, Robert Kirkman, recently made an appearance at Hawaii Comic Con. While answering a question asked by a young fan during a panel, Kirkman listed six characters who he thinks should die in the course of the AMC series. 

I doubt that any of the following people listed met their demise by Negan and his baseball bat Lucille at the end of The Walking Dead season six finale, but it sounds like one day we could see any of these characters die.

If you don't want to know who Kirkman is looking to kill off, you better stop reading now. Here was Kirkman's response:

"Rick, Carl, Michonne. In the show, Daryl Dixon, eventually Abraham, Rosita. Rosita’s already dead in the comics. Jesus."

Damn! There go bunch of the fan favorite characters! I bet the fan who asked the question wasn't expecting that kind of response! Kirkman really didn't seem to hesitate to throw out those names, so they've obviously been on his mind to kill off for awhile. Last week, Kirkman said that he already had his ending planned out, so I assume he knows who lives and who dies by the time that ending comes. There's obviously no information on how these characters would meet their demise, but if you're wondering who Kirkman is looking to eventually kill off... there it is.

Via: CinemaBlend

Watch a Live Read of George Miller’s JUSTICE LEAGUE MORTAL Script with Casper Van Dien as Superman


I would have loved to see George Miller’s Justice League Mortal film, but apparently it just wasn’t meant to be. Right before the film was supposed to start shooting, Warner Bros. shut it down. Not long after the script for the film, which was written by Kieran and Michele Mulroney, leaked online. 

The script may have been around awhile, and I’m sure some of you have already read it, but Comic Bug comics store in Manhattan Beach, California recently hosted a livenread of the script with a full cast of actors, and it’s really interesting. Unfortunately, the original cast wasn’t brought together to do this, but it’s still entertaining and worth checking out.

The live-read consists of Adam Marcus as the Narrator, Alfred Pennyworth; Jennifer Wenger as Wonder Woman/Diana Prince; Tracy Drolet as Iris Allen; Curtis Fortier as The Flash/Barry Allen; Will Dixon as Batman/Bruce Wayne; Nathan Hedrick as Maxwell Lord; Scott Koblish as Martian Manhunter/John Jones, Brother Eye, OMAC Alpha; Debra Sullivan as Talia al Ghul; Casper Van Dien as Superman/Clark Kent; Cole Rommel as Wally West; Rafael Navarro as Aquaman/Arthur Curry; Eddie Jordan III as Green Lantern/John Stewart; and Chris Saunders, who does the Music and SFX.

One thing is for sure, the DC Cinematic Universe would have been extremely different. 

SUICIDE SQUAD Spinoff Films Could Also Include The Joker and Captain Boomerang


Not long ago we learned that Warner Bros. was developing a Harley Quinn spinoff movie with Margot Robbie. This is something that seemed to get fans very excited. That movie is said to include a few female villains from the DC universe. It looks like Harley Quinn won't be the only character to get a spinoff movie from Task Force X.

According to We Got This Covered, two other characters that could get their own films include Jared Leto's The Joker and Jai Courtney's Captain Boomerang. The report says: 

"The Joker is a definite possibility for a spinoff, and Jared [Leto] seems up for it from what I’ve been told. They’re also really hot on Jai Courtney’s character Boomerang right now. Nothing’s set in stone yet, but you’re definitely going to be seeing a lot more of these guys in the years to come."

There's no official confirmation of this, so we will treat this as a rumor for now. But, it wouldn't surprise to see spinoff films for any of the villainous characters that make up Task Force X. You know the executives at WB are at least discussing the possibilities. 

I think David Ayer's Suicide Squad is going to be a solid hit for the studio, and it will probably end up getting better reviews than Batman v Superman. As you know, the studio is currently in the process of restructuring things in DC Entertainment because of the disappointment that was Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. I think the studio sees Suicide Squad in a completely different light. They seem confident in this film, and audiences who attend early screenings are loving it. So the villainous side of the DC Universe could be a very successful and lucrative franchise for them.

We know a sequel is currently in development, but it'll be interesting to see where they take these characters after the first movie is released and if we will see any of these spinoff films released between the first movie and the sequel.

Are you more excited about the potential of the Suicide Squad characters or the Justice League heroes? 

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