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Daniel Bruhl Cast in J.J. Abrams’ GOD PARTICLE


Daniel Bruhl, who most recently starred in Captain America: Civil War, is set to join producer J.J. Abrams’ sci-fi thriller God Particle. This is a project I’m very much looking forward to seeing. Abrams always seems to deliver surprising greatness with these secretive film projects of his.

The movie is set in the near future. “It centers on a team of astronauts who make a terrifying discovery that challenges everything they know about the fabric of reality, as they desperately fight for survival."

The film will be directed by Julius Onah, and Bruhl will join an already great cast that includes John KrasinskiDavid Oyelowo, and Gugu Mbatha-Raw

According to the report, Bruhl will play one of the astronauts. This guy is a hell of a great actor who always delivers an awesome performance in the films that he’s a part of. He’s definitely one of the strongest additions to this cast, and it’s cool to see him want to be a part of this film project.

God Particle is set to hit theaters on February 24th, 2017, and production is scheduled to start sometime in the next few months.

Bruhl is also going to star in The Zookeeper’s Wife opposite Jessica Chastain as well as a film called The Promise.

Via: Variety

GameTyrant DOTA 2 May Tournament — Winners and Photos



Before I saw Captain America: Civil War, I thought it was odd that Nick Fury wouldn't be a part of the story. He has played such a huge part in bringing the Avengers together, why wouldn't he be there to try to diffuse this situation that the team had found themselves in? After seeing the film, though, the character wasn't really missed, and I can see how it may have been hard to include him in this story arc.

During an interview with LA Times, writer Christopher Markus explained why they didn't want Fury to have to pick sides:

"We called [Fury], but he let the line blink. Primarily it felt like one too many possible opinions. We didn't want him to take one side or the other, because that's not his place in the universe. And then we didn't want another, 'Is he still with the government? Is he opposed to the government but supporting the government?' It got to be the potential for a lot more polemic discussion that the movie did not have room for. He's the guy who put it together. He's been the sort of parent figure to the Avengers. Let the parent go away, and see if the kids can handle this. See if the kids can be who they're supposed to be without that governing voice. Um... and they didn't do that good of a job."

Makes sense to me. Fury will eventually be back. He's reportedly set to return to the MCU in Thor: Ragnarok, and of course, he'll be back for Avengers: Infinity War. Writer Stephen McFeely confirmed saying, "I would think...Don’t you assume you’ll see everybody in the Infinity Wars?" Markus then added, "It’s probably all hands on deck."

I am curious to find out what Fury will think about the events in Captain America: Civil War, so hopefully when we see him again he'll share his thoughts on that madness. 

Apocalypse MY LITTLE PONY Cosplay Group Is Ready for Survival


Here's a group of cosplayers who are all decked out as their favorite My Little Pony characters as if they are living in the apocalypse. These are the Apocalypse PWNIES, and the magic of friendship can only take them so far in the apocalyptic world that they are forced to survive in, unless your best friend is your weapon. 

The cosplayers consist of Fluttershy: Roze Masquerade, Big Mac: Thorcanine, Twilight, Sparkle: Sinfonie Cosplay, Rainbow Dash: Dara Def, Pinkie Pie: Special F-EX Cosplay, Apple, Jack: Allison Lynn “Kitnip”, and Rarity: Creations by Caiti. The photos you see here were taken by Vivid Vision.


Via: Fashionably Geek

Awesome New Trailer for VOLTRON: LEGENDARY DEFENDER Netflix Series


Voltron is making a comeback in a big and exciting way. Netflix and DreamWorks animation are bringing the series back with Voltron: Legendary Defender, and today we have a new trailer for you to check out! Everything that I've seen for the series so far has been awesome. It seems to have taken all of the elements that I loved about the original 1980s series and then made them better. The new series looks like it's going to be a blast to watch.

The series is being developed by executive producer Joaquim Dos Santos (The Legend of Korra, Avatar: The Last Airbender) and co-executive producer Lauren Montgomery (The Legend of Korra), so the talent is there to bring fans something special. 

Five unsuspecting teenagers, transported from Earth into the middle of a sprawling intergalactic war, become pilots for five robotic lions in the battle to protect the universe from evil. Only through the true power of teamwork can they unite to form the mighty warrior known as Voltron.
Witness the rebirth of the legend with this ambitious reimagining of the fan-favorite science-fiction saga, promising galaxies worth of action, comedy, and adventure, as good battles evil in an intergalactic war ten thousand years in the making.

The series is set to launch with an hour-long origin story called “The Rise of Voltron,” and that will be followed by 10 episodes. The series is set to premiere on June 10th.


Every Easter Egg, Reference, and Cameo in CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR


I had such a fun time blast watching Captain America: Civil War that I've seen it four times already. It's one of those films that just seems to get more and more entertaining with every viewing. So far there's been something new that I've caught with each additional viewing. If you are looking to dig into the film for all of the Easter eggs, references, and cameos, you don't have to see the film multiple times because Mr. Sunday Movies has already done the work and released a video for you to watch below. The creator offered the following note on his YouTube page to prep you for the video, which obviously contains spoilers:

"This video touches upon a number of similarities between the Civil War comic and the live action adaptation including visual comparisons, the trigger point for the Avengers split, The Raft doubling as Prison 42, Spider-man and his new suit, the Captain America Iron Man fight and more.

"There's also nods to other Marvel comics such as a Black Panther and Captain America showdown, the Dora Milage, Baron Zemo, Falcon and Redwing, the Vision and his relationship with Scarlet Witch and War Machines accident. There's also parallels to the Iron Man Bleeding Edge Armour, Tony Stark being a Futurist and the obligatory but always welcome Stan Lee cameo.

"There's also Spider-man Easter Eggs and Reference galore, including John Romita's early art work, the Ultimate Spider-man costume, his origin, his unmasking in the Civil War comic and his logo projector thing as seen in the post credits scene.

"There's also references to the Marvel Cinematic Universe in spades such as the Hulk being absent, Ant-man beating up Falcon in his movie, Dot from Agent Carter, and the original actor for Thanos showing up as one of Crossbones' henchmen.

"Without getting into specifics we can't forget the Easter Eggs relating to some of the Russo Brothers TV work including the Dean from Community and the Stair Car from Arrested Development. Find all this and more in the video above! Or maybe less. No, it's definitely more."

Fan Makes Adorable Rowlet Plushie Not 24 Hours After POKEMON Reveal

The Werewolf Thriller CURSE Is Being Adapted as a Feature Film


Blumhouse Productions has teamed up with Boom! Studios to adapt the werewolf thriller graphic novel, Curse, into a feature film. Blumhouse has been involved wit the development of a ton of horror films over the years, some of which include Paranormal Activity, Insidious, Sinister, The Visit, and the upcoming film The Darkness. Curse seems like it would make another solid horror project for them to produce. 

I haven’t read the graphic novel, but I’ve heard it’s a pretty awesome read. It’s a father-son story with werewolves, and I have a story description here that pretty much sums it up:

The story centers on a widowed father who is desperate and financially broken from trying to save his child from a rare illness. Seizing the opportunity to claim a reward offered for the capture of a killer in his rural community, he inadvertently captures a werewolf. The question then becomes whether the lycan will be the broken family’s reluctant savior or its final destroyer.

This sounds like great story that will make for an intense film. I love the fact that this isn’t a story about a man driven by revenge. It’s a story about a father fighting for his son’s life. Then there’s a werewolf thrown into the mix and takes things to a whole new interesting level.  

Boom! Studios has several projects in development at the moment including a superhero comic called Irredeemable, which is set up at Fox with Adam McKay to direct. They are also developing The Empty Man, which is also set up at Fox with David Fincher protege David Prior set to write and direct the film. Then there’s Tag, which is being developed by Annabelle filmmaker John R. Leonetti.

Source: THR

Japanese RICK AND MORTY Clips Will Make You Question Anime Dubs


When it comes to anime, I used to be of the camp that if you want to watch it in its original format, cool, but dubs are just as fine. Now that I've seen Rick and Morty in Japanese, I'm beginning to question that notion entirely...

Rick isn't belching mid-rant, Morty sounds like a girl, and what the f*** have they done to Mr. Meeseeks?! Honestly, this whole thing plays out like a badly animated anime! Surely our version is superior and the clear winner among Japanese audiences though, right?!

Outrageous. Mr. Meeseeks are a tortured species! It completely kills the joke to make them cute and kawaii! Here's another clip...

I can't get behind this, I won't get behind this. YOU SEE WHAT YOU'VE DONE JAPAN?! YOU'VE MADE ME PRETENTIOUS ABOUT AN ADULT CARTOON! I guess I'll stop watching dubs now if only to stop the Japanese from their WubalubadubDUBS.



Recently, it was announced that Godzilla 2 has had its release date moved back nine months. Variety reported the change; here is what they had to say:

Warner Bros. has moved back “Godzilla 2” nine months to March 22, 2019, and dated its “Godzilla vs. Kong” movie for May 29, 2020.
Warner Bros. and Legendary announced last October that they would officially unify the two monster franchises in “Godzilla vs. Kong” with an unspecified release date
Legendary disclosed last year that Godzilla would be joined by Mothra, Rodan and Ghidorah in “Godzilla 2.”

I love old school monster movies and one of my favorites is Ghidora: The Three Headed Monster. I enjoyed the 2014 Gareth Edwards version of Godzilla, and I am looking forward to Kong: Skull Island.

The part of the article that took me by surprise was this little blurb they included at the end:

Warner Bros. also announced it will release an untitled event film on Dec. 25, 2018, and that it’s moving untitled DC movie from June 19, 2020 to July 24, 2020

I am one of those truly nosey people. I really want to know what these projects are. Is it the next Harry Potter film? Is it another giant monster movie? My goal for the day is to find out all the secrets.

Random Supercut of The Day: Water Scenes From Tim Burton's BIG FISH


I don't know why, but editor Pablo Fernández Eyre has cut together all of the water scenes from Tim Burton's 2003 film Big Fish into a quick supercut. It's well-constructed, but the real reason I'm writing about this is because I think Big Fish is the best film of Burton's filmography — yep, better than Batman, Beetlejuice, Edward Scissorhands, all of 'em — and I don't hear people talking about it as much as those other movies. I just want to help spread the word about it, and try to convince everyone to seek it out if they haven't seen it yet (and maybe give it a second look if you have). It's a moving, mythical story which, despite its almost fairytale qualities, contains some of Burton's most relatable and human characters.

Via: LaughingSquid

Rumor: Surprising Villain Potentially Revealed For JUSTICE LEAGUE


Potential spoilers ahead.

Here's some news I don't know how to feel about for the upcoming Justice League movie. Birth Movies Death says everyone who guessed the main villain would be Darkseid is dead wrong. Take a look at this deleted scene from the movie:

That creature Luthor stands face to face with is apparently a character called Steppenwolf, who will reportedly be the villain in the new movie. The site talks about how Darkseid and Steppenwolf will probably be at odds in the film, causing the villain to leave Apokolips and invade our Earth. They also say the end of the film will feature a Darkseid appearance on Earth.

I don't know how to feel about this. After Batman v Superman, I'm a hard sell on a two part Justice League film, and as far as Steppenwolf goes, he's a villain that seems like a better fit for a one on one battle, not a team of superheroes. The only instance I can see it being a team effort would be with a full scale Earth invasion of an alien race led by Steppenwolf, but doesn't that sound a little too similar to another ensemble hero film?!

At the end of the day, this is just a rumor and, even if it's solid, so much can change between script to final version we shouldn't be too concerned. That said, we should definitely be speaking out in favor or against so the powers that be are seeing it! (Although filming has been going on for a while now, so it's probably too late to effectively change anything at this point.)

The Four Houses of The American Version of Hogwarts in FANTASTIC BEASTS Revealed


I am a not-so-secret fan of everything Harry Potter. Needless to say, I am super excited for the release of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. Judging by the title of this post, you should know that this could be considered spoilery. Don’t go any further if you want the movie to be a surprise. Continue on at your own risk!

OK, The Daily Mail was able to get ahold of what the four houses will be in the American version of Hogwarts, Ilvermorny. Here is what they said:

A software engineer stumbled across their names hidden in code for the Pottermore website.
Federico Ian Cervantez accidentally discovered that the four houses of Ilvermorny are Horned Serpent, Wampus, Thunderbird and Pukwudgie.

They also offer a little description of each of these houses:

The Horned Serpent is described as 'dragon-like serpents with horns and long teeth. They are often associated with or said to control the weather, particularly rain, lightning, and thunder. Magical abilities ascribed to them include shape-shifting, invisibility, and hypnotic powers'.
The Wampus is a cat-like creature 'described as some kind of fearsome variation of a cougar'.
The Thunderbird is a legendary creature 'often described as a very large bird, capable of generating storms and thunder as it flies'.
While the most curious of all is the Pukwudgie: 'two-to-three-feet tall and human-shaped, but with a larger nose, ears, and fingers and smooth, grey skin that sometimes glows. Its magical abilities include disappearing and reappearing, partial or complete transformation into a porcupine or cougar, and creating fire'.

I assume that you can liken these houses to the Hogwarts houses and guess which characters from the previous stories would go in what house, but it remains to be seen which ones Newt Scamander and the rest of the new cast members will be involved with.

Fantastic Beasts will be hitting theaters on November 18th.

Brock and Misty Confront Ash About Releasing So Many POKEMON


This video really hits the nail on the head with all the problems I had with the Pokemon series. I guess in some ways I liked that it wasn't incredibly true to the video game series, but Ash Ketchum was dumb as hell. If he still had all the Pokemon he captured years ago, he would be dominating every new region he traveled to without question! Kevin Does Stuff summarizes 13 years of my ranting into a simple three minute video, and it's so good to hear. Check it out!

George R.R. Martin Releases New Chapter From THE WINDS OF WINTER


George R.R. Martin may have released a new chapter to his latest installment in A Song of Ice and Fire, but don't hold your breath about the book's imminent release. Entertainment Weekly says just because we are getting new content, doesn't mean the next book in the saga that inspired Game of Thrones is anywhere near completed. From the author himself:

You want to know what the Sand Snakes, Prince Doran, Areo Hotah, Ellaria Sand, Darkstar, and the rest will be up to in Winds of Winter...Quite a lot, actually. The sample will give you a taste. For the rest, you will need to wait. And no, just to spike any bullsh– rumors, changing the sample chapter does NOT mean I am done. See the icon above? Monkey is still on my back… but he’s growing, he is, and one day…”

I know I'll catch some flak for this, but I'm more excited for the books finishing than the series. If you've never read it, you'd see the show has departed in some major ways from the book, and not always for the better. I will say in seasons 1 and 2 they did a great job of summarizing Martin's somewhat lengthy descriptions, but season 3 on they began to lose me. That's not to say I hate it by any means, I just much prefer the source material from that point on. Hopefully one day we'll see the conclusion of the books! Read the new chapter from The Winds of Winter here.

Video: James McAvoy Shaves His Head For X-MEN: APOCALYPSE as Patrick Stewart Watches


I wasn't a huge fan of X-Men: Apocalypse, though it certainly has some excellent moments. Sadly, almost none of the film's best parts involve James McAvoy's Professor Charles Xavier. But that's OK! That doesn't mean I'm not allowed to write about fun little behind-the-scenes videos from the movie, like this one documenting McAvoy shaving his head for the role. Director Bryan Singer uses FaceTime to contact the once and future Professor X, Patrick Stewart, to watch and comment from afar. Nothing groundbreaking, but a dash of the kind of fun, lighthearted tone that the movie itself could have benefitted from having more of.

X-Men: Apocalypse hits theaters on May 27th.

NERVE Trailer: Emma Roberts and Dave Franco Dare or Die as The World Watches


"The only way out is to win."

Here's the first trailer for Nerve, a new young adult thriller from the directors of Catfish (Ariel Schulman and Henry Joost) that stars two younger relatives of more famous actors, Emma Roberts and Dave Franco.

Based on a book by Jeanne Ryan, the film follows an uptight high school student (Roberts) who is pressured into joining a mega-popular online game called Nerve, in which there are "players" who accept dares from "watchers" for cash rewards. As the game goes on, she meets a mysterious guy (Franco) and has to team up with him as the stakes get higher and higher. I'm not surprised that the Catfish guys are the ones behind this, because in that movie they showed a knack for pacing and using graphics and computer screens to enhance their story, and this looks like a major escalation of those techniques. I'm not sure if Nerve is going to be any good, but at least it should be visually interesting.

Nerve hits theaters on July 27th.

Industrious high school senior, Vee Delmonico [Emma Roberts], has had it with living life on the sidelines. When pressured by friends to join the popular online game Nerve, Vee decides to sign up for just one dare in what seems like harmless fun. But as she finds herself caught up in the thrill of the adrenaline-fueled competition partnered with a mysterious stranger [Dave Franco], the game begins to take a sinister turn with increasingly dangerous acts, leading her into a high stakes finale that will determine her entire future.



Apologies if some of you have seen this already, but I somehow missed JoBlo's 8-Bit Trailer for Captain America: Civil War until today and thought it was worth sharing. I'm not sure whether this series came before Cinefix's 8-Bit Cinema, but either way, I'm guessing there's some beef there because this is an extremely similar concept. (Instead of doing the whole movie, this just recreates the trailer.) Still, it's well done and now that we've all had the chance to see Civil War, maybe you'll appreciate it more now.

Professor X to Appear in NEW MUTANTS, Which Starts Filming in 2017


Here's a small update about the future of the X-Men movie franchise. During the press junket for X-Men: Apocalypse, writer/producer Simon Kinberg told Collider that a familiar face is going to show up in Josh Boone's New Mutants movie:

“Right now, as the movie exists, Professor X would be a part of a New Mutants movie.”

Gotta love how Kinberg hedges his bets with that wording, leaving Boone the freedom to cut the character out of the movie altogether should the writer/director choose to make that decision. Boone apparently turned in his second draft of the screenplay recently, so Kinberg knows what kind of role Xavier will play in the final film. We aren't sure whether that'll be Patrick Stewart or James McAvoy, but it's a pretty solid bet it'll be McAvoy, unless they incorporate weird time travel or other confusing plotlines into the story. (Besides, Stewart will reportedly reprise the role in a supporting capacity in Wolverine 3 anyway.)

Worth noting is that we know the next X-Men movie is going to jump from Apocalypse's 1980s setting into the 1990s, but it's unclear whether New Mutants is actually that next movie, or if, say, Bryan Singer is going to direct another movie that directly continues the storyline from the end of that film. Also up in the air is how Deadpool will factor into that film (or films)...but at least we know a solo sequel is brewing for that project.

Kinberg also said the the hope is for filming on New Mutants to start sometime early next year, which probably means we'll see the movie come to theaters sometime in 2018 (in the summer, if I had to guess).

Celebrating 10 Years Since You've Heard That Annoying LORD OF THE RINGS Isengard Song


According to Reddit (and the YouTube time stamp), it's been 10 years since one of the most annoying geek songs I've ever heard was created. I had completely forgotten and locked away "taking the hobbits to Isengard" deep within my mind, yet it took all of five seconds to resurface the hatred I had for this song. Dammit, I hate this song so much. Seriously, the only reason I'm sharing it with you is the hope that you hate it as much as I do and you will be as angry as I am having it stuck in your head. If you've never heard it, be warned, this song will make you like The Lord of the Rings less.

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