Paul Bettany assures IGN (and us) that he's a much better cook than The Vision in Captain America: Civil War. His signature dish? Apparently he makes a pretty legendary spaghetti bolognese, which I thought was spaghetti with bologna until I looked it up. Yeah, I'm an idiot.
Video: Paul Bettany is a Better Cook Than The Vision
Michael Shannon Joins Guillermo Del Toro's Cold War Romance
Last week, I wrote about some rumored plot details for Guillermo del Toro's new Cold War-era romance film, reportedly called The Shape of Water. Here's the only official synopsis we have thus far:
An other-worldly love story, set against the backdrop of Cold War era America circa 1963. A mysterious and magical journey from master storyteller Guillermo del Toro.
But those rumored details paint a more detailed picture. Supposedly, the story follows a mute janitor named Elisa (Sally Hawkins) who falls for an amphibious man who's being kept at the lab where she works. She tries to break him out with the help of her neighbor (probably played by Richard Jenkins), but "the world outside of the lab, however, may prove to be more dangerous for the amphibious man than Elisa could have anticipated."
Now The Wrap reports that Oscar-nominated actor Michael Shannon is in talks to join the project, though they simply say that he'd star "opposite Sally Hawkins," so it's unclear if he's playing her amphibious love interest (should that plot point prove to be true). It certainly seems like the kind of role he'd excel at — weird on the surface, but probably soulful underneath — but regardless of which character he ends up playing, I'm excited to see what Shannon does under del Toro's direction.
Footage Revealed For Cancelled SNES AKIRA Game
Way back in 1994, there was an Akira game in development for SNES. The game was all but a memory until 20 years later when the only known game more on Gametyrant
Review: X-MEN: APOCALYPSE is a Bloated Disappointment with a Few Flashes of Brilliance
X-Men: Days of Future Past was my favorite of the X-Men movies, so I'm disappointed to report that Apocalypse is one of the weakest entries in the franchise so far.
The film begins in ancient Egypt, with an elderly, all-powerful mutant (Oscar Isaac) attempting to transfer his consciousness into a strapping young body in order to continue his streak of immortality. An uprising occurs during the ceremony; he makes the jump to the new body, but he's buried under the rubble of a collapsed pyramid and placed in some sort of magical sleep stasis to survive. Millennia later, CIA agent Moira MacTaggert (Rose Byrne) ends up accidentally unleashing him, and across the world in Charles Xavier's (James McAvoy) X-Mansion, Apocalypse's presence causes a young Jean Grey (Sophie Turner) to have nightmarish visions about the end of the world. As Apocalypse recruits his new sidekicks (known as the Four Horsemen), Mystique (Jennifer Lawrence) does some recruiting of her own, and eventually they all throw down in a battle for the fate of the planet.
Before I get into why I was disappointed with the movie, I want to praise the aspects of it I enjoyed. Let's break it down into bullet points:
- After Mystique saved the President from Magneto at the end of the last movie, she's become an inspiring figure to the younger class of mutants. Even Storm (Alexandra Shipp), a Cairo thief who becomes one of the Horsemen, has a poster of Mystique on her wall and looks up to her as a freedom fighter. Despite Jennifer Lawrence being an Oscar-winning actress, her take on Mystique has never really done much for me in these movies, but giving her this added layer and seeing how she deals with that attention goes a long way in making her a more interesting character.
- Just like in Days of Future Past, there's a slow-motion scene involving Quicksilver (Evan Peters) that's the highlight of the film for me. This one tops his previous appearance in nearly every way — it's longer, funnier, and there are much bigger stakes involved. It's a brilliantly conceived and perfectly executed sequence.
- Despite some occasionally cheesy moments, the new kids — Turner as Jean Grey, Tye Sheridan as Cyclops, and Kodi Smit-McPhee as Nightcrawler — are all great in their roles, and I'm extremely excited to watch them come into their own in future movies.
On to the disappointment.
I understand Bryan Singer's desire to have an actor as talented as Oscar Isaac play the villain in his movie, but the character of Apocalypse is a colossal waste of Isaac's skills. He wanders around under so much make-up that most audiences will have no idea this character is played by the same guy who played Poe Dameron in The Force Awakens, and he rarely actually does anything aside from talking about the need to build a better world. (There's an admittedly-cool moment involving Cerebro, but that's about it.)
The Four Horsemen are essentially non-factors, with Olivia Munn, Ben Hardy, and Alexandra Shipp having probably a combined 10 lines in the film and very little impact on the story at large. Writer Simon Kinberg gives Michael Fassbender's Magneto more tragedy to deal with (I'm trying to be vague so I don't spoil anything), but his entire subplot in this film just didn't land for me. It felt too "written," too obvious, too forced. Fassbender's always done a good job playing up the conflict within that character, and he does a good job with what he's given, but it's starting to feel like too much of a retread of storylines that have already been explored. I suspect the same is true in the comics; I haven't read an X-Men comic in years, but I imagine if I picked up an issue in the current run, there would be thematic and maybe even plot similarities to stuff that was going on the last time I actually did read that series. I realize the X-Men franchise has lasted for sixteen years now, but maybe it's time to get rid of Magneto altogether in these films. There are only so many times you can cover the same ground on film before it starts to feel redundant.
The visual effects, which are normally a highlight in this movie series for me, were surprisingly cheap-looking here. A lot of the movie takes place in and around Cairo, and the set design and execution of many those late-movie sequences looked so bad that it took me out of the movie. There's a scene in which Apocalypse and the Horseman have one of the X-Men on a mountain overlooking the city, and it's shocking how much it looks like they're all just standing around on a sound stage surrounded by green screens. It doesn't help that the film devolves into a massive CGI crapfest of floating debris and global landmarks being demolished for no good reason. I'm sure it was very expensive, and those are the kinds of Transformers-esque images that international audiences still gobble up, but haven't we moved beyond scenes like that at this point? That kind of thing might have been cool or novel fifteen years ago, but when Magneto just floats there with metal spinning around him and it A) doesn't do anything to further illuminate the characters, or B) is something we've seen countless times before, I just feel like the filmmakers missed an opportunity to do something special and interesting. I counted ten different VFX vendors in the film's end credits, so maybe that had something to do with it.
One of the biggest sins an action movie can commit is being boring, and unfortunately I found the fight scenes to be unusually dull, especially in the wake of the airport scene in Captain America: Civil War. That scene has so much energy and creativity in depicting how the characters use their powers against each other, but here, even though the action is filmed in wide enough angles that you can clearly see everything, there's not really much to see. A climactic battle between Psylocke and Beast, for example, might be one of the most boring superhero fights ever committed to film. And it's not like Singer is incapable of filming solid X-Men action beats: the "future" section of Days of Future Past included exactly the type of creatively and visually interesting fights this movie lacks.
There's more I could get into, like the inelegant Wolverine cameo and his subsequent "moment" with Jean Grey (which comes off as very strange, since Sophie Turner is young enough to be Hugh Jackman's daughter), or how the dialogue bounces all over the place (Xavier has an embarrassing amount of cringe-worthy lines when he's dealing with his feelings about Moira that would feel right at home in an Adam Sandler comedy), but I'll just say that a bungled villain and cheap-looking VFX were large enough issues by themselves to really put a damper on my enjoyment of this film. It's not a terrible movie, but it's certainly not one of the better entries of this series. I'm looking forward to seeing what this franchise looks like moving forward with a new director in Josh Boone, and I wonder if it also wouldn't benefit from some fresh writing as well. This film is well-cast, and I like the idea of seeing these characters interact in upcoming movies, but after spending a distended two and a half hours with them, I'm ready to take some time away from the X-universe. That Quicksilver scene, though...that one scene alone is so awesome that it makes this whole movie worth watching.
Dungeon Crawlers Radio: Ep. 47 — Rescue From Planet Pleasure
What happens when you have a power female vampire who can channel the ultimate energy of the universe AND a planet full of the galaxy's best warriors who’ve lost their mojo? You have the plot for Mario Acevedo’s latest book, Rescue From Planet Pleasure. This episode is now one of...Listen at PodTyrant
Watch: All of The People (and Robots) Iron Man Has Killed in The MCU
Before Tony Stark became Iron Man, he made his money selling weapons to the military. The transitive property states that if he sold the weapons to the military, and the military killed people, then Tony’s at least partially responsible for those deaths. But this Iron Man kill count video from Canadian editor Ben (courtesy of Mr. Sunday Movies) concentrates only on the bodies — and robots — Stark physically took down himself. (See also: the recent Captain America kill count video.) My favorite bit of this video comes during The Avengers' Chitauri invasion, which is estimated in this video to be about 75,000 "based on Stalin's invasion into Georgia." OK then!
HARRY POTTER and STAR WARS Unite in Fan-Made Mashup Video
People love mashups, so I figured I'd share this one from PlayShip which combines the worlds of Harry Potter and Star Wars into one in which Stormtroopers play Quidditch, Hogwarts is a spaceship, and Voldemort is Harry's father. There are some cool visual effects for it being a fan-made project, so I'll give them props for that.
But on the other hand, let me play devil's advocate for a second. What value do mashups like this actually provide, other than just a simple, "Oh, I know about those two things!" response from people? Does every popular property need to be mashed up with every other popular property? I feel like mashup culture is continuing to expand, and I guess I'm still grappling with the reasoning for why these things exist, other than a gut-level visceral recognition. Sound off with your thoughts and theories below.
Join our heroes Harry Skypotter, Ron Solo, Princess Hermione and Hagrid the Half-Wookie as they attend Hogwarts (in space of course) and battle one of the greatest villains in cinematic history: He Who Shall Not Be Named, aka. Lord Vadermort!
Russell Crowe Says THE MUMMY Is “Designed to Seriously Scare the Shit Out of You”
When it comes to the upcoming slate of films that are rebooting the Universal Monster Universe, I haven’t been getting my hopes up for anything amazing. Then Russell Crowe confirmed that he was going to be in The Mummy and said this about film in an interview with Collider:
“This one is kind of more designed to seriously scare the shit out of you.”
That is exciting to me! That is the first thing I’ve seen or heard about the movie that has actually put a spark of excitement in me. I’m really curious to see exactly how they are going to pull that off.
The actor is set to play Dr. Henry Jekyll, who is a Royal Society fellow. He joins Tom Cruise, who is playing a Navy Seal out hunting terrorists. New Girl star Jake Johnson and The People v. O.J. Simpson actress Courtney B. Vance have also joined the project. Here’s the recent synopsis that was released:
Thought safely entombed in a crypt deep beneath the unforgiving desert, an ancient queen (Sofia Boutella of Kingsman: The Secret Service and Star Trek Beyond) whose destiny was unjustly taken from her, is awakened in our current day, bringing with her malevolence grown over millennia and terrors that defy human comprehension.
From the sweeping sands of the Middle East through hidden labyrinths under modern-day London, The Mummy brings a surprising intensity and balance of wonder and thrills in an imaginative new take that ushers in a new world of gods and monsters.
Crowe also talked about director Alex Kurtzman and how he has already offered up ideas on the project. The director has already picked up on some of those ideas and Russell when on to say:
“It’s very interesting, what they’re gonna do with that stuff. I’ve had a couple of chats about it with the director.”
The actor then went on to joke about his past relationship with Cruise, saying:
“I’ve known Tom Cruise since 1992, or something like that. When he was married to an Australian, I was really good friends with him. But when he got divorced, I was part of the settlement package, and I went to Nicole [Kidman].”
The Mummy opens in theaters on June 9th, 2017 and I really hope it turns out as scary as Crowe is making it out to be.
Check Out the TRON Lightcycle Roller Coaster at Shanghai Disneyland
One of the awesome things that Shanghai Disneyland is getting that the rest of the Disneyland themes parks don’t have is a Tron-inspired lightcycle roller coaster ride! Just this past weekend I was at Disneyland, and I was thinking to myself, “Wouldn’t it be awesome if there were a Tron ride here?”
The day after I got back from Disneyland I saw this video that shows us the first full length ride on the new Tron Lightcycle Power Run roller coaster at Shanghai Disneyland during its soft opening. It looks like a ton of fun! Unfortunately, I don’t have the kind of money to go to Shanghai to go to Disneyland. This video is the closest I’ll probably ever get.
Thanks to Inside the Magic for the video!
Brutally Action-Packed Trailer for Tony Jaa’s Martial Arts Film KILL ZONE 2
I’ve got a brutally badass trailer here for you to watch for Tony Jaa’s upcoming martial arts film Kill Zone 2. There’s some incredibly insane action in this trailer, and you get to witness Jaa break some people. I enjoy watching Tony Jaa fight in movies and this next film looks incredibly awesome.
When an undercover cop gets too close to revealing the mastermind of a drug syndicate, his cover is blown. Double-crossed and under a false identity, he’s thrown into a Thai prison, where a guard discovers the inmate – claiming he’s a cop – is a bone marrow match for his dying daughter…and his warden may have an even deadlier operation hidden within the prison walls.
In this giddily frenetic follow-up (though not a sequel) to modern martial arts epic KILL ZONE (aka SPL: SHA PO LANG), action icons Tony Jaa (ONG BAK, THE PROTECTOR) Wu Jing (WOLF WARRIOR) and Zhang Jin (IP MAN 3) team up with Hong Kong megastars Simon Yam, and Louis Koo for a breakneck story of dirty cops, prison riots, and black market organ transplants, all brought together by a non-stop series of inventive, bone-crunching setpieces.
Kill Zone 2 is set to be released on Friday, May 13th.
New PREACHER Promo Spot and 2 Posters Pay Homage to the Comic
AMC has released a new promo spot for Preacher that hyperactively highlights some of the insanity that this series has to offer. There’s a good amount of new footage to be seen in the spot featuring lots of insanity. I’ve also included two promo posters that wonderfully pay tribute to a couple comic book covers.
This is a series that you will not want to miss because it’s so much damn fun. I loved the first episode, and I can’t wait to see the story continue as the series plays out. You can read our review of the first episode of the series here.
Preacher follows Reverend Jesse Custer, a tough Texas preacher who has lost his faith, and has learned that God has left Heaven and abandoned his responsibilities. He finds himself the only person capable of tracking God down, demanding answers, and making him answer for his dereliction of duty. Accompanying Jesse on his journey is his former girlfriend and a friendly vampire who seems to prefer a pint in the pub to the blood of the innocent. On his tail is one of the most iconic bad guys in print – an immortal, unstoppable killing machine named the Saint of Killers —a western lone gunman archetype whose sole purpose is to hunt and kill Jesse.
The series stars Dominic Cooper as Jesse Custer, Joseph Gilgun as Cassidy, Ruth Negga as Tulip, Lucy Griffiths as Emily, W. Earl Brown as Sherriff Root, Anatol Yusef as DeBlanc, Tom Brooke as Fiore, Derek Wilson as Donnie Schenck, and Ian Colletti as Eugene/Arseface.
Preacher is set to debut on Sunday, May 22nd at 10:00 p.m. ET/PT on AMC.
Dwayne Johnson Says His JUMANJI Reboot Will Honor Robin Williams
A couple weeks ago it was announced that Dwayne Johnson had joined the upcoming Jumanji reboot currently in development. A lot of fans of the original film — like myself — expressed concern over the remake because of Robin Williams and the incredible performance he gave. In a recent post on Instagram, Johnson addresses these concerns and also offers up some details on the film. The actor and producer says:
“And the #JUMANJI magic begins.
Excellent meeting with our director Jake Kasdan, producer Matt Tolmach, and our @SevenBucksProd team to work on our new re-imagining of this amazing story.
I felt like in order to craft something cool we should begin where it all started. Award winning writer Chris Van Allsburg’s source material of JUMANJI. Chris also wrote THE POLAR EXPRESS (later adapted by Robert Zemeckis and Tom Hanks) and has a very special & magical way of storytelling.
I’m feelin’ good and confident stepping into these shoes as a producer as well as actor to bring you something great that you and your entire fam can enjoy.
An important thing that I want to be honest and bring up is Robin Williams. The love and respect I have for this man is boundless. You have my word, we will honor his name and the character of “Alan Parrish” will stand alone and be forever immortalized in the world of JUMANJI in an earnest and cool way. I have an idea of what to do and I think his family will be proud. I also think Robin is somewhere lookin’ down and laughing, remembering the first time we met backstage and I (for the first time ever) was a star struck bumbling idiot that couldn’t even get my words out. Idiot. He literally calmed me down w/ that smile and laugh. But that’s for another fun story down the road.
We got a great team assembled already over at our home base of SONY and now we build from here.
Here’s another fun part… in the original movie there were three big roles. In our new story there’s now FIVE. Been so damn cool to see all my actor buddies push their projects aside so hopefully they can come play in our world. Should have cool casting announcements this week. Will keep you posted.”
It sounds to me like in some way they are going to connect this new movie to the original 1995 film, and I’m curious to see how they do that exactly, especially with Williams’ character. It is good to know that they want to honor him with this movie. Jumanji is set to be directed by Jake Kasdan (Zero Effect, Orange County, Bad Teacher), and there’s a chance that Kevin Hart might be involved with the film as well. The film is set to be released on July 28th, 2017.
A photo posted by therock (@therock) on
Daniel Radcliff's Wang Guides the Way Home in Red-Band Trailer for SWISS ARMY MAN
Daniel Radcliffe and Paul Dano's Swiss Army Man is one of the most wonderfully strange and unique films that I've ever seen. I absolutely loved the movie, but it's definitely not for everyone because it's pretty damn odd. After all, it revolves around a farting corpse that seems to have magical powers. I just had an absolute blast watching it! You can read my review of the film here.
The movie was directed by “The Daniels,” a music video directing duo that consists of Daniel Scheinert and Daniel Kwan. As I said in my review, "they let their insane creativity explode on the big screen with this film. It’s ridiculously absurd in the greatest of ways, and it’s full of unexpected surprises that I couldn’t help but love. It is such a fun adventure that also offers audiences a wide range of emotions, and it explores the awesomeness of what it is to be alive."
Hank (Paul Dano) is stranded on a deserted island, having given up all hope of ever making it home again. But one day everything changes when a corpse named Manny (Daniel Radcliffe) washes up on shore; the two become fast friends, and ultimately go on an epic adventure that will bring Hank back to the woman of his dreams.
"There are 7 billion people on the planet. You might be lucky enough to bump into the one person you want to spend the rest of your life with."
Swiss Army Man will be released in theaters on June 10th, and it's a movie you seriously don't want to miss!
Radical SILVERHAWKS Character Art Series by Josh Burns
If you grew up in the 1980s, then it was your privilege to bask in the glory of cartoon awesomeness. One of my favorite cartoons and toylines was Silverhawks. This is one of those properties that I’m surprised hasn’t been adapted into a movie yet because I think it could be awesome, and I've got some awesome fan art here for you to check out created by Josh Burns. Warner Bros. currently holds the rights to the property, and I’ve already shared my thoughts on this saying:
The SilverHawks team is recruited by a bionic police man named Commander Stargazer, and tasked with fighting the villainous Mon’Star, who is an escaped alien mob boss that transforms into an enormous armor-plated creature. This would make for a visually stunning film, especially with the setting and characters that are partly metal and partly human. This kind of film seems like it would have a Guardians of the Galaxy-type vibe, which is why I’m surprised WB hasn’t jumped all over it. I can see it as an action-packed adventure movie with some great humor.
Some of the other characters that you’ll find below include Quicksilver, the leader who has a metal bird companion named TallyHawk. There are a couple of twins that go by the names of Steelheart and Steelwill. They are the technician and strongman. Then there’s a country singer character named Col. Bluegrass who plays a sonic guitar and pilots the team’s ship, the Miraj. Rounding out the team is a younger character named Copper Kidd, who is a mathematical genius who speaks in whistles and computerized tones.
To see Burn's Voltron art that we previously posted, click here.

Legendary Wrestler Andre The Giant Is Finally Getting His Own Biopic
I loved watching Andre The Giant wrestle when I was growing up! His most famous feud was with Hulk Hogan, which came to a head at WrestleMania III. It was also so great to see him land a lead role in The Princess Bride as Fezzik, a character that he beautifully brought to life on the big screen. I’ve been wondering when or if this man would ever get his own biopic and now it looks like it’s actually coming.
Lion Forge Comics and producers Scott Steindorff and Dylan Russell have partnered to develop a feature film about the life of Andre “The Giant” Roussimoff. The film will be based on the authorized graphic novel biography that was published last year called, Andre the Giant: Closer to Heaven.
The news comes from Variety who reports that Andre’s daughter Robin Christensen-Roussimoff will be a consultant on the film to make sure his story is told properly. Steindorff talked about film saying:
“Andre the Giant rode the wave of the rise of wrestling in America, while suffering from the painful health condition of gigantism – there’s an Elephant Man story here.”
Andre began wrestling professionally when he was only 17, and in the beginning was billed as being 7-feet-4 and over 500 pounds hailing from “Grenoble in the French Alps.” He had a successful career and over the years gained thousands of fans like myself. Lion Forge CEO David Steward II had this to say in a statement:
“As a lifelong wrestling fan, I can say with conviction that no one was bigger than Andre. His presence and charisma were so powerful, and you could tell there was much more to him under the surface of his ring persona. It’s been an amazing experience telling that story in the book with Robin’s help. With all the spectacle, action, and emotion there on the page, a feature film just made perfect sense.”
I couldn’t agree with him more. The graphic novel that the film will be based on was written by Brandon Easton and illustrated by Denis Medri. The story “recounts the wrestler’s life from his earliest days working on the family farm in France along with the rise of professional wrestling itself through the World Wrestling Federation, due in large part to Andre the Giant’s celebrity.” Robin Christensen-Roussimoff added:
“I’m really excited to watch this story come to life on the big screen. It’s been a labor of love for everyone involved, and we’re really looking forward to making it available to a larger audience.”
As a long time fan of Andre the Giant, I am overwhelmingly happy to hear that he is finally getting a biopic! Now the big question is… who are they going to get to play him!? This guy was a one of kind individual, and I hope that this group of people is able to bring together a talented team of talent to give us the best film possible.
The production company making the film, Stone Village, has produced feature film projects such as Jon Favreau’s Chef, Natalie Portman’s Jane Got a Gun and Matthew McConaughey’s The Lincoln Lawyer. So it seems like it’s in decent hands.
POKEMON SUN and MOON Starters Revealed, Game Takes Place In "Aloha" Region
Nintendo revealed three new starters and a new region for Pokemon Sun and Moon. The game will take place in the "Aloha" region, which really puts an exclamation more on Gametyrant
Iron Man Goes After Captain America in Action POV Short Fan Film
Here's an entertaining fan-made short film called First Person: Iron Man featuring Iron Man on the hunt for Captain America, and it's all told from the hero's point of view. The video comes to us from Danny Shepherd of ismahawk, and he describes the short as Captain America: Civil War meets Hardcore Henry. The short turned out to be pretty cool and the team that made it did a solid job executing their concept. It'd be fun to see them take the concept and turn it into a web-series.
Bryan Cranston To Produce and Star in ELECTRIC DREAMS: THE WORLD OF PHILIP K. DICK
The Hollywood Reporter recently announced that Bryan Cranston has signed up to executive produce/star in Electric Dreams: The World of Philip K. Dick. The 10-part drama anthology series will be based on the short stories by award-winning sci-fi novelist Philip K. Dick.
Battlestar Galactica and Outlander executive producer and writer Ronald D. Moore is teaming up with Cranston and director Michael Dinner (Justified, Masters of Sex) to develop the series. According to the report:
Each episode is set to be a standalone drama, adapted and modernized for global audiences by a creative team of British and American writers. The series will both illustrate the writer’s prophetic vision and celebrate the enduring appeal of his works, which include The Man in the High Castle, A Scanner Darkly and Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, which became Ridley Scott's hit Blade Runner.
Dick is also responsible for writing the stories that were adapted into films like Total Recall, Minority Report, and The Adjustment Bureau. The man was truly talented and I am excited to see what they do with this mini-series.
The production has not started yet, and as of right now no release date has been announced. There is also no information on when the miniseries will hit other markets other than in the UK. The lack of information is killing me, but we will keep you up to date as more details are released.
Trailer For Kevin Smith's Tween Horror Comedy YOGA HOSERS
Yoga Hosers is not Kevin Smith's finest hour. I wasn't a big fan of his most recent film and you can read my scathing review of it here. Apparently I didn't meet the target market that he made it for, and that market is tween girls. After the movie was slapped with an R-rating by the MPAA, Smith explained:
The core audience for the flick is tween girls (it's Clueless meets Gremlins!), so I refrained from salty language to make a totally kid-friendly movie. And while it's a "horror" movie, there's no blood on display: when our Bratzi bad guys get killed, concentrated sauerkraut explodes everywhere - not guts or entrails.
In case you were wondering, the Bratzi bad guys are killer Nazi bratwurst and you get to see them in this first trailer for Yoga Hosers. You can now see for yourself just how ridiculously goofy this movie is.
Colleen and Colleen are BFFs AF. Manitoba is where they go to school together, do yoga together, play in a band together, and work together at a boring convenience store. Life is whatevs, but also on fleek. That’s kinda what being 15 and a half is all about. #RealTalk
So when two older guys invite the Colleens to a senior party, the girls are determined to go no matter what—even if that “what” is a terrible, secret evil that threatens to destroy everything decent and polite about Canada. Can Colleen and Colleen save the day and go viral? Will those senior boys prove squad-worthy?
I'm curious to see what other fans of Smith's work think about this one. For the most part, I enjoy the films Smith makes, but this one just didn't do it for me. Watch the trailer and tell us what you think! Yoga Hosers will be released in theaters on July 29th. Are you excited to see it?
How to Take Bullets, Howl in Agony, and Die: A Voice Acting Interview with GHOSTBUSTERS' D.B. Cooper
Voices! They are the unifying instrument in all that relates to expression. When you have one, you can lose it to screaming at your windshield in traffic, dying repeatedly in Dark Souls, more on Gametyrant