Here's a couple of great character illustrations by artist Ralph Sevelius featuring Disney princesses Ariel and Rapunzel reimagined as Jedi Knights! These are a couple of the better Disney Star Wars art mashups that I've seen. Here's what the artist had to say about the image above,
For a while I've been wanting to put my own spin on the Disney princesses and I've finally found a different direction for them that I haven't seen explored too much (surprisingly). I had to look up a good bit of Star Wars reference because I'm not entirely familiar with all their characters, so I borrowed visual motifs from different Jedis such as Asajj Ventress and Kit Fisto. There are more designs for other ones so stay tuned!
Rapunzel was a bit more involving than Ariel because there was more overlapping ideas to work into the design. Translating her outfit into the Jedi garb was tricky and since her hair glowed already, I ditched using a traditional lightsaber. I don't know if I feel totally satisfied but none of the less I'm happy with it.