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Director Jack Bender Says GAME OF THRONES Will Only Have Seven Episodes Next Season


As a huge fan of both Lost and Game of Thrones, I was excited to see director Jack Bender at the helm of the past two episodes of GoT. He gave us that terrific Hodor sequence, as well as the return of a long-lost member of the Stark family (I'm trying to be vague so I don't spoil anything), and he's also the guy responsible for one of the very best episodes of Lost, the time-travel heavy Desmond episode "The Constant." (He's also responsible for another of the show's most heart-wrenching moments: when Vincent the dog swims after Walt at the end of season one.)

Bender spoke with Vanity Fair about his work on Thrones, and while the whole interview is absolutely worth reading, he dropped some particularly interesting information in this section:

Are you coming back next season?
I don't know the answer to that. They're only doing 7 [episodes], and they've got their regulars who have done it forever. I know that I had a wonderful experience doing the show and I know that Dan and David are thrilled with the shows, but I've got this series I'm mounting for the beginning of 2017 based on Stephen King's trilogy of books starting with Mr. Mercedes. Brendan Gleeson is playing the lead, which I'm thrilled about, Anton Yelchin, and I'm in the process of mounting that. I haven't been asked yet and I also don't know what their schedule is going to be. But under the best of circumstances, schedule and everything, I had a great experience doing the show. If available and they wanted me to, I would love to do that.

I'm pretty sure that's the first time anyone has given a specific number of episodes for the next season of the show, and it's fitting that showrunners David Benioff and Dan Weiss would do seven episodes considering their initial plan was to do seven seasons of the show to honor the seven gods, seven kingdoms, and seven books. They later updated their plan to include 70-75 hours of total content for the whole series, leaving fans wondering how exactly the final episodes would be split into two seasons. If Bender's statement is true, we can guess they're looking at seven episodes for each of the final two seasons, coming in at a total of 74 hours of Game of Thrones.

We'll have to wait for HBO to officially confirm this number, but either way, it's good to have a better idea of exactly how many episodes are left since we're currently blasting through the sixth season and it's nice to know where we are in the overall arc of the series.

Brie Larson In Talks To Play CAPTAIN MARVEL


Here's some cool news: according to Variety, actress Brie Larson (who won a Best Actress Oscar for Room earlier this year) is in talks with Marvel Studios to play the title role in their first female-led superhero film, Captain Marvel.

This is obviously an incredibly high-profile role, and fans have had high hopes for a bunch of different actresses to land the part, including Ronda Rousey, Rebecca Ferguson, and Emily Blunt. While no deal is done yet, Variety's sources tell them Larson is the studio's number one choice and she's "leaning toward playing the part."

Inside Out writer Meg LeFauve and Nicole Perlman wrote the screenplay, which tells the story of Carol Danvers, an air force pilot whose DNA is fused with an alien's during an accident and gives her the powers of strength, energy projection, and flight. Kevin Feige is producing the movie, which has a July 6, 2018 release date but no director officially lined up. (Though it looks like Emily Carmichael might score that coveted job.)

What do you think about Larson possibly playing Captain Marvel? My first thought is she's a terrific actress but may not have enough of a physical presence to pull off the action that's surely to be required, but we're about to see her in both Ben Wheatley's shoot-em-up Free Fire and Jordan Vogt-Roberts' adventure film Kong: Skull Island, where I'm guessing she'll put that doubt to rest.

Bryan Singer Would Like to See Mystique Get Her Own X-Men Movie


I don't know about you, but I was pretty disappointed with X-Men: Apocalypse. It had some really cool moments, but for the most part, the story, script, and villain were weak. Hell, Apocalypse spent most of his time decorating his new world and his four horsemen.

I was happy to hear that director Bryan Singer would be taking a break from the franchise. During an interview with the LA Times he said:

"I recently met Danny Boyle -- he and I have known of each other for many years but never met. He was prepping 'Steve Jobs' at the time and I was doing this and he said, 'Are you going to be doing 'X-Men' movies forever?' And I didn’t actually say no. The reality is, even though I’m very desperate to jump to something completely different, I’ve spent so many years in this universe and I love this cast and the characters so much, I just don't see myself abandoning them forever. Perhaps as a consultant, as a producer, even as a director, I could see myself returning in the future. Just right now, once this one is done, I’d like to do something really different."

His next film project is an adaptation of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, hopefully when he's done with that he'll continue to do different films other than X-Men movies. He really needs to let someone with a fresh perspective have a crack at the franchise. Singer will obviously still be a part of it, and he'd like to see the X-Men characters he's developed for the big screen explored more. In a recent interview with Empire Podcast, he said he'd like to see Mystique get her own spinoff film:

"[It's my] kind of my homage to the Age Of Apocalypse comic - everyone sort of switches roles.  Obviously I didn't tell that full story, but people's sides are switched, alliances are changed.  I think [Mystique's] right for [a standalone], whether it's Jennifer or not.  She has this different view of the world: Xavier can get into Cerebro and look at the world but he'd rather just teach classes and see the beauty of mutants and humans co-existing in his mansion in Westchester. Along comes Raven with a reality check on the state of the world. It opens up a lot of avenues."

I could get behind a Mystique solo film with Jennifer Lawrence. She pretty much took on the lead role of X-Men: Apocalypse, and she's certainly proven to be an interesting character that would be fun to explore more. Even if she doesn't get a solo film, I'm sure she'll be back for more X-Men adventures. 

Poor Guy Spends Days Building a ZOOTOPIA LEGO Statue That Is Destroyed by Kid


A LEGO builder named Zhao spent three solid days building a LEGO version of Nick Wilde from Zootopia. There's a lot of hard work and patience that goes into building these things! It's not an easy task. Unfortunately for Zhao, some little kid crossed the "Do Not Enter" ropes and completely destroyed his creation! How freakin' shitty is that?! I would just die. 

The statue was placed on display at a shopping mall in Ningbo, China, and it was only up for about an hour before the kid climbed under the ropes and obliterated it.

According to the report, Zhao was pretty much as understanding as one could be under the circumstances. The kid had no idea how much time, effort, and money went into building the statue. He places some of the blame on the shopping mall employees and adds that the child’s parents apologized. Zhao also isn't seeking any compensation for the accident.


Via: ShanghaiIst / Kotaku

Ben Affleck Says His BATMAN Solo Film Will Mostly Be an Original Story


Regardless of the weaknesses of Zack Snyder's Batman v Superman, I really enjoyed Ben Affleck's version of the Dark Knight, and I'm excited to see what he ends up doing with the solo film that he's currently developing with Geoff Johns. Affleck reportedly has full creative control, which gives me hope that we'll get an awesome new Batman film. 

We've heard rumors that the movie could explore the tragic past of Jason Todd's Robin taking cues from comic book story arcs such as Death in the Family and Under the Hood. None of this has been confirmed, but during an interview with CosmicBookNews, Affleck revealed that his movie will mostly tell an original story to keep fans guessing. He explained:

"I think what I would do, what I probably would do, is in some ways what Zack did with this movie, which is to borrow certain things from the great comic books, but create an original story around it because I wouldn't want the fans to already know the story and be familiar, but I would borrow, steal, great things that have been done before in the comics."

So even though it will be an original story, it could still easily use elements from the comic books story arcs that I mentioned above. Batman v Superman did the same thing and took stuff from comics such as The Death Of Superman and The Dark Knight Returns

I'm actually ok with Affleck taking creative liberties to tell his Batman story. Christopher Nolan did the same thing with his films, and they turned out to be amazing. Do you like the idea of an original story for Batman, or would you rather see a direct adaptation of one of the comic arcs?

10 Most Controversial Costumes in Superhero Movies


It’s always interesting to see how superhero costumes are reimagined when certain characters are being brought to life on the big screen. Sometimes the costumes impress, while other times they disappoint. ScreenRant has released a new video that lists ten superhero costumes used in movies that have sparked some controversy among fans. Some of those characters included in the video include Psylocke, Green Lantern, Catwoman, Quicksilver, Batman, and Harley Quinn. Here’s the description that came along with the video. 

In today's world, the first look at a superhero costume can be the most important part of building positive buzz - or having fans write the project off completely. The first look isn't always the final verdict, whether it's a costume that brings the comic book version to life, or changes it completely. But sometimes, the fans' doubts are proven to be a good sign - either that, or they never know just how awful the reality of the costume really was for the actor. Here are the 10 Most Controversial Superhero Movie Costumes of All Time.

Jake Gyllenhaal Set to Star in Ubisoft’s THE DIVISION Movie


The video game company Ubisoft is currently developing a feature film adaptation of their hit video game Tom Clancy's The Division. The project just took a huge step forward with the casting Jake Gyllenhaal in the lead role. He's attached to serve as a producer on the project as well.

The Division has been a huge success for Ubisoft as it's one of their fastest-selling games. The game brought in $330 million in the first five days of its release! This will beGyllenhaal's second video game film. The first was Prince of Persia. Hopefully The Division turns out a lot better for him. 


The studio is currently looking for a writer to tackle the script, and they are looking to add at least one more actor to the film package before they shop it around to studios. Here's the plot synopsis for the game for those of you who aren't familiar:

In 2001, an operation known as "Dark Winter" was launched which was a real-world exercise that tested the emergency response to a bioterror attack on the United States. The simulation spiraled out of control within a few days, and predicted that a "breakdown in essential institutions," civil disorder, and massive civilian casualties. This event came true when a virus was created that attached to bank notes (Nicknamed the Green flu due to its origination in America), circulated on Black Friday causing within a day an international pandemic. Manhattan, where the gameplay is set, is where the virus originated and the effects of the viral pandemic was the worst.

The player is an agent of the Strategic Homeland Division, and he is tasked with helping to rebuild the Division’s operations in Manhattan, investigating the nature of the outbreak and combating criminal activity in its wake.

Ubisoft already has two other film projects coming out. Those are Assassin's Creed with Michael Fassbender and Splinter Cell with Tom Hardy. These films have the potential to usher in a new era of video game movies that could actually be great. 

Gyllenhaal is an incredibly talented actor who has starred in some great films recently, such as Nightcrawler and Southpaw. He gave some pretty powerful and intense performances in those films. His next project is called Nocturnal Animals with Amy Adams, but with a film like The Division, it looks like he's ready to try and jump into a big-budget franchise film again. 

This seems like a great project for the actor to be a part. Ubisoft just has to surround him with a talented team to ensure that the movie turns out awesome. 

Source: Variety

The Directors of THE BABADOOK and WHALE RIDER Are up for the CAPTAIN MARVEL Directing Gig


Just last night it was reported that Academy Award-winning actress Brie Larson is in talks with Marvel to take on the lead role of Carol Danvers in Captain Marvel. I've gotta say, this is inspired casting. Larson is a tremendously talented actress, and Marvel would be lucky to get her. I have no doubt she would be awesome in the role if she decided to take it.

We know that Marvel is looking for a woman director to take on this project, and early on there were rumors of Angelina Jolie coming on to direct the project. Now, thanks to THR, we know two new names have been added to the list of potential directors. The first is Jennifer Kent, who is the director of the awesomely creepy horror film The Babadook. The second is Niki Caro, who has previously brought us wonderful films such as Whale Rider and McFarland, USA.

Both of these directors are very talented, and I've enjoyed their films. Cara may have the advantage, though, because she already has a relationship with Disney with her film McFarland, USA. I'd be happy to see either one of them get the gig. I guess it all depends on who has the best vision for the character and story. 

Captain Marvel is scheduled to be released on July 6th, 2018. Which of these two directors would you like to see take on the challenge of making it? 

Concept Art for Sam Raimi's SPIDER-MAN 4 Features Spidey Fighting Mysterio and The Vulture


A cool collection of concept art from Sam Raimi's Spider-Man 4 has surfaced, and some of it features our friendly neighborhood hero fighting Mysterio and The Vulture. For those of you who don't remember, John Malkovich was being eyed for the role of The Vulture, and Anne Hathaway was set to play The Vulturess, which would have been a strange new version of Felicia Hardy/Black Cat. The movie was about to go into production when Sony Pictures cancelled it and decided to reboot the franchise with The Amazing Spider-Man. It would've been cool to see Mysterio make his big screen debut.

The storyboard art you see here was created by artist, writer, and filmmaker Jeffrey Henderson. According to the artist, Raimi wanted to cast Bruce Campbell in the role of Mysterio, which would have been awesome! He also explained to io9, "It would’ve been part of a beginning of the film montage featuring a montage of C and D- list villains that we knew would never be used as main antagonists: Mysterio, the Shocker, the Prowler, the old school-onesie-wearing version of the Rhino, maybe even the Stilt Man, etc.”

The Vulture would have been the main villain, though, and when talking about the vision Raimi had for that character Henderson explained:

“The thing we kept coming back to was that, as a character, everyone was going to dismiss the Vulture as just an old guy in a silly green suit. So we wanted to go the opposite way and really make him the most fearsome and formidable adversary that Spider-Man had faced in the series.”

I would have really loved to see Raimi make his Spider-Man 4 film. Unfortunately, it wasn't meant to be. 


DEADPOOL Star T.J. Miller Joins Steven Spielberg's READY PLAYER ONE


Silicon Valley and Dedpool star T.J. Miller is the latest actor to join the cast of Steven Spielberg's highly anticipated film Ready Player Onewhich is an adaptation of the sci-fi novel by Ernest Cline.

I honestly would have never thought that T.J. Miller and Steven Spielberg would work together, yet here they are. Miller joins the previously cast Tye Sheridan, Olivia Cooke, Simon Pegg, Ben Mendelsohn, and Mark Rylance.

The story is set in a virtual world called Oasis and follows a  teenager (Sheridan) who finds himself competing in a treasure hunt against ruthless foes after the reclusive and enigmatic founder (Rylance) of the game dies and offers his fortune as the grand prize.

According to THR, Miller will play a character named i-R0k, who is described as "an annoying troller in the online forums of the game." Sounds like a perfect fit, and it makes complete sense as to why Spielberg cast him. 

The movie is scheduled to start shooting in June and is scheduled for release in theaters on March 30th, 2018. Here's a detailed description of the story:

At once wildly original and stuffed with irresistible nostalgia, READY PLAYER ONE is a spectacularly genre-busting, ambitious, and charming debut—part quest novel, part love story, and part virtual space opera set in a universe where spell-slinging mages battle giant Japanese robots, entire planets are inspired by Blade Runner, and flying DeLoreans achieve light speed.
It’s the year 2044, and the real world is an ugly place. 
Like most of humanity, Wade Watts escapes his grim surroundings by spending his waking hours jacked into the OASIS, a sprawling virtual utopia that lets you be anything you want to be, a place where you can live and play and fall in love on any of ten thousand planets. 
And like most of humanity, Wade dreams of being the one to discover the ultimate lottery ticket that lies concealed within this virtual world. For somewhere inside this giant networked playground, OASIS creator James Halliday has hidden a series of fiendish puzzles that will yield massive fortune—and remarkable power—to whoever can unlock them.   
For years, millions have struggled fruitlessly to attain this prize, knowing only that Halliday’s riddles are based in the pop culture he loved—that of the late twentieth century. And for years, millions have found in this quest another means of escape, retreating into happy, obsessive study of Halliday’s icons. Like many of his contemporaries, Wade is as comfortable debating the finer points of John Hughes’s oeuvre, playing Pac-Man, or reciting Devo lyrics as he is scrounging power to run his OASIS rig.
And then Wade stumbles upon the first puzzle.
Suddenly the whole world is watching, and thousands of competitors join the hunt—among them certain powerful players who are willing to commit very real murder to beat Wade to this prize. Now the only way for Wade to survive and preserve everything he knows is to win. But to do so, he may have to leave behind his oh-so-perfect virtual existence and face up to life—and love—in the real world he’s always been so desperate to escape. 
A world at stake.
A quest for the ultimate prize.
Are you ready?

Will Unicron Be The Real Villain in TRANSFORMERS: THE LAST KNIGHT?

Art by Clinto Felker

Art by Clinto Felker

Michael Bay is at it again with another installment in the Transformers franchise with Transformers: The Last Knight. This may elicit moans from some and cheers from others. Personally, I am on the fence. Right now Bay is at a solid 50% with me. In my opinion, the first Transformers and Age of Extinction are the only two movies of the franchise that are worth seeing. I am, however, intrigued by this newest addition because if I am reading the signs right, we are going to see the greatest villain in Transformers history, Unicron!

I know that it was announced that Megatron is coming back to try his hand at taking down Optimus Prime. The interesting thing is that the image that they are showing is back to the original version of Megatron. How is that possible? When we last saw him he was in Galvatron form. Who or what could have restored him to his original stature? For the answer, let us go back to the original animated Transformers movie.

The Transformers Movie was an animated movie that is probably still the best Transformers movie that has been made to this date. All I have to say to support that statement is, “You’ve got the touch! You’ve got the power!” The story was solid ,and we were introduced to one of the Autobots' most powerful foes, Unicron (voiced by Orson Freaking Wells). Unicron was unlike any robot we had seen. He was the size of a planet, which is literally what he transformed into, and he also had the power to heal/strengthen those around him. The only way I can see Megatron coming back stronger than ever is if he meets up with Unicron while he is floating around space.

Unicron has made his way into Transformers canon, but The Movie was his first outing and probably his best. This draws out a bigger question, though, are they going to follow the storyline from The Movie? If so, is this going to be the end of some of our favorite characters, Autobot and Decepticon alike? Will we see Rodimus Prime? This is complete speculation, but one can dream. It would definitely shake the franchise up.

Here's the scene from The Movie that features Unicron turning Megatron into Galvatron. 

First Look at Draco Malfoy and His Son Scorpius in HARRY POTTER AND THE CURSED CHILD


Over the past couple of days, we've gotten our first look at several of the main players in upcoming play Harry Potter and The Cursed Child. There's Harry Potter (Jamie Parker), his wife Ginny (Poppy Miller), and their son Albus (Sam Clemmett), who you can see here. Then there's Ron Weasley (Paul Thornley), Hermione Granger (Noma Dumezweni), and their daughter Rose Granger-Weasley (Cherrelle Skeete), who you can see here.

Now thanks to Pottermore we have our first look at Draco Malfoy, who is being played by Alex Price, and his son Scorpius, who is being played by Anthony Boyle. As you can se,e they were perfectly cast in their roles as they definitely look the part. According to J.K. Rowling, "Scorpius is going to do nothing to turn girls off the Malfoy men." So I guess he's going to be a hit with the ladies. 

Here's the synopsis for the upcoming two-part play that was previously released:

It was always difficult being Harry Potter and it isn’t much easier now that he is an overworked employee of the Ministry of Magic, a husband and father of three school-age children. While Harry grapples with a past that refuses to stay where it belongs, his youngest son Albus must struggle with the weight of a family legacy he never wanted. As past and present fuse ominously, both father and son learn the uncomfortable truth: sometimes, darkness comes from unexpected places.

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child makes its premiere at the Palace Theater in London’s West End on July 30th. Previews start later this month.


Rumor: Nintendo Delaying Mass Production Of NX To Include Virtual Reality

VANS X NINTENDO Collection Expected in Stores Tomorrow

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Fun Trailer for The Zombie Thriller DEAD RISING: ENDGAME


The first trailer has been released for Legendary Digital's zombie film Dead Rising: Endgame, which is based on the popular video game franchise Dead Rising, and is also a sequel to the movie Dead Rising Watchtower. I enjoyed the first film and this new one looks like it will be just as entertaining.

DEAD RISING: ENDGAME drops us into the zombie-infested quarantined zone of East Mission City where investigative reporter Chase Carter (Jesse Metcalfe) must stop a secret government conspiracy which, though seemingly aimed at ending the country’s zombie epidemic, will also kill millions of innocent civilians. DEAD RISING: ENDGAME is based on the hugely popular Dead Rising video game franchise by Capcom, which has sold over 9.1 million copies worldwide. 

Jesse Metcalfe returns to DEAD RISING: ENDGAME as Chase Carter, the well-known television journalist who goes back underground to stop the military’s rogue operation and break the ultimate story.  Keegan Connor Tracy returns as camera operator and producer, Jordan Blair.  Attempting to thwart their plans is Dennis Haysbert reprising his role as General Lyons, a crooked Military Intelligence Officer. Patrick Sabongui returns in a new role, playing a skilled zombie killer and video game aficionado who talks a big and crude game to mask his gentle side. 

The movie stars Jesse Metcalfe (Desperate Housewives, Dallas, Passions), Billy Zane (Titanic, The Phantom), Dennis Haysbert (24, Sin City: A Dame to Kill For), Marie Avgeropoulos (The 100), Jessica Harmon (iZombie), Keegan Connor Tracy (Once Upon a Time, Bates Motel), Ian Tracey (Bates Motel), Victor Webster (Continuum), Camille Sullivan (The Man in the High Castle), and Patrick Sabongui (The Art of More).

Dead Rising: End Game set to debut on Sony's Crackle streaming service. 

Laurent Durieux's Excellent RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK 35th Anniversary Art


New York City's Bottleneck Gallery has teamed up with Lucasfilm and Acme Archives to release this awesome Raiders of the Lost Ark print from artist Laurent Durieux. This year marks the 35th anniversary of Steven Spielberg's action classic, and to celebrate the introduction of one of cinema's coolest heroes, Indiana Jones, Durieux has created two fantastic pieces that feature Indy and Marion in the Well of Souls as the Ark of the Covenant towers above them.

The best part? The regular version will be a timed release, so if you want one, you don't have to worry about it selling out in the blink of an eye. You can order one from now until this Sunday, June 5, 2016, at 11:59pm EST. Take a look:

Regular 15 color metallic screen print 24 x 36 inches $60 Timed release


15 color metallic screen print

24 x 36 inches


Timed release

Variant 15 color metallic screen print 24 x 36 inches Numbered edition of 275 $80


15 color metallic screen print

24 x 36 inches

Numbered edition of 275


While the variant only has 275 prints for sale, there's an even more rare piece (only 50 available!) that mega-fans will surely love: a bonus wood variant that has the regular image on the front, and this on the back:

Wood Variant (Regular image on front) 15 color metallic screen print with special backing. Numbered edition of 50 $275

Wood Variant (Regular image on front)

15 color metallic screen print with special backing.

Numbered edition of 50


Badass. This release also happens to coincide with a free retrospective exhibit of a lot of Laurent's work taking place at the Seed Factory in Belgium, so if we have any Belgian readers, make sure to stop by and check it out!

Like many of you, Raiders is one of my favorite movies of all time (read my 30th anniversary screening review here) and was hugely influential for me growing up, so it's cool to see the movie get such a great representation by an excellent artist. Head over to Bottleneck's website to grab one for yourself, and peep some closeups of the Indy art below:


Watch: Tons of New Footage in BATMAN V SUPERMAN: Ultimate Edition Trailer For R-Rated Cut


As I'm sure you've heard, Warner Bros. is releasing an R-rated Ultimate Edition of Zack Snyder's Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, and the studio has released a new trailer for the home video release that features tons of new footage. So much so, in fact, that while I haven't done an exact breakdown of shots or anything, it seems like almost half of the trailer is stuff we haven't seen before. And some of it looks pretty good! What do you think? If you loved or hated the movie, is this enticing enough to get you to watch the extended cut?

The film will have an extra 30 minutes of story and action not seen in theaters, and here's a list of the bonus features fans can expect on the Blu-ray:

“Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” Ultra HD Blu-ray Combo Pack, 3D Blu-ray Combo Pack, Blu-ray Combo Pack and Standard Definition 2-Disc DVD contain the following special features:
  • Uniting the World’s Finest
  • Gods and Men: A Meeting of Giants
  • The Warrior, The Myth, The Wonder
  • Accelerating Design: The New Batmobile
  • Superman: Complexity & Truth
  • Batman: Austerity & Rage
  • Wonder Woman: Grace & Power
  • Batcave: Legacy of the Lair
  • The Might and the Power of a Punch
  • The Empire of Luthor
  • Save the Bats

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice arrives on Digital HD on June 28 and on Blu-ray/DVD on July 19, 2016.

Source: Collider

Kirk Acevedo Testing For Pennywise The Clown in IT Remake


It's looking like the It remake is at least considering a new Pennywise after director Cary Fukunaga and The Maze Runner actor Will Poulter dropped out. Bloody Disgusting reports Poulter is still in contention, but that the studio is also looking at Kirk Acevedo (Band of Brothers, Oz, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes) to fill the clown shoes. This exclusive report is backed up by the actor himself seemingly confirming the news by sharing it on Twitter.

When it comes to casting this role, it's super hard to visualize anyone in the part — mainly because Tim Curry practically transformed himself when he took the role in the original movie, and I just don't know if anyone can do better than simply imitating him. Whoever ends up scoring the role has their hands full!

Mama director Andy Muschietti has taken over as director, and It will drop on September 8, 2017.

SICARIO 2 Moves Forward With New Director and No Emily Blunt


Denis Villeneuve's cartel thriller Sicario was fantastic, and Lionsgate put a sequel in development almost immediately after the first one hit theaters. The sequel is supposed to center more on Benicio Del Toro's mysterious character, and last we heard, the film's producers claimed Emily Blunt and Josh Brolin were also going to reprise their roles in the new movie. Now it appears that isn't the case, as Deadline reports that while Del Toro and Brolin will return, Blunt's character has been written out of the movie.

The sequel, which has been titled Soldado (while "Sicario" means "Hitman," "Soldado" means "Soldier"), will most likely be directed by Stefano Sollima, who is the front-runner for the job and is apparently close to signing on. I've never heard of him before, but Deadline says:

Sollima is the Italian director who has made a number of memorably gritty crime thrillers but is best known for directing the Italian miniseries Gomorra and the features Suburra and A.C.A.B. (All Cops Are Bastards).

Taylor Sheridan, who wrote the screenplay for the original movie, wrote the sequel as well, which reportedly follows Del Toro and Brolin's characters as they "concern themselves with what is being smuggled across the border between Mexico and the U.S. in the tunnels used to move drugs and illegal immigrants. Those tunnels also can be used to bring terrorists into the U.S."

I'm obviously a big fan of Sicario, so while I'm bummed Blunt won't be a part of this movie, I'm looking forward to seeing how the sequel plays out.

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