Pixar Animation has announced that they will be releasing a new Toy Story short for Halloween called Toy Story of Terror. The image above gives us our first look at what's in store for fans. What's great about this short is that it's going to be longer than the previous Toy Story shorts that have been released. This one will be 30-minutes long. The short was directed by Angus MacLane (Small Fry). Here's a short description:
Bonnie is on a road trip to go see grandma with her mom and the toys are in the trunk. Mom gets a flat tire and they have to spend the night at a motel and all kinds of chaos ensues.
The director explains that Jessie will be the main character of this short but that all the other characters will be in it as well. Oh! And the original voice cast will be returning to reprise their roles. Combat Carl will even make an appearance, and he'll be voiced by Carl Weathers. The report goes on to say,
The special will have a horror feel after one of the toys goes missing at the motel. The rest of the gang will find themselves caught up in a mysterious sequence of events that must be solved before they all suffer the same fate.
The short was also influenced by films such as Psycho, Aliens, and Predator. The director added,
There was some support to make a scary, but not necessarily Halloween-themed half-hour Toy Story special for television. There was some concern early on about not making it too scary for kids. I think we've done a good job of balancing staying true to Toy Story and staying true to the genre. As far as adults are concerned, I've always thought that we make these movies for ourselves. I think it's funny and like the other Toy Story films, I think there is plenty of stuff in there that only adults will get.
This sounds like it will be an incredibly fun film. I'll be looking forward to it!
Do you think Pixar is using this as a lead in to a fourth TOY STORY feature film?