Check out this really cool collection of Star Trek Into Darkness fan art that was created for Blurppy's second movie art project. A group of artists has come together to each give us their unique interpretation of this movie.
The artists involved with this set of poster art includes Matt Ferguson, Paul Shipper, Marko Manev, Marie Bergeron, Adam Rabalais, Johnny Dombrowski, Fernando Reza, Tim Anderson, Erin Gallagher, Joe Vetoe, and Chris Garofalo. The first image above was done by Rodolfo Reyes.
I hope you enjoy this set of art!
Marko Manev
Chris Garofalo
Paul Shipper
Joe Vetoe
Marie Bergeron
Adam Rabalais
Fernando Reza
Tim Anderson
Matt Ferguson
Matt Needle
Erin Gallagher
Johnny Dombrowski
Matt Ferguson