I've seen all sorts of proposals, but this one punched me right in the heart. Just thinking about all the work that went into orchestrating this whole trailer, and the puppetry, it's crazy! It's all worth it though as you can see the fiancée's face the entire time throughout! Here are some details on what all went into the making of the film from the Youtube page.
I put together a movie trailer of our relationship acted out by puppets. I rented the chapel room at our church and had a friend inform her of a "movie night" at church. My parents had flown in from Maine (for what she thought was just a weekend visit) and we planned to take them to this "movie night". A couple hours before the film, I told her that I had to get some work done but I would meet them at the church once I finish. Her family and best friend whom she hadn't seen in a few months came in from Oklahoma to share the moment and add to the surprise (these are the ones who you see her hug immediately after the proposal), so we strategically sat them and scattered a few dozen friends throughout the chapel. We positioned cameras to capture her reactions and set up 3 other random movie trailers to play prior to the proposal trailer. I hid in the media tech booth as she walked in with my parents during the first trailer. She sat in the perfect spot...and the rest is history!