Game of Thrones actor Richard Madden, who plays Robb Stark on the HBO drama, is set to play the Prince in Disney's live-action adaptation of Cinderella. The movie is being directed by Kenneth Branagh (Thor) from a script written by Chris Weitz and Aline Brosh McKenna (The Devil Wears Prada). Madden will join Downton Abbey actress Lily James who is playing the title character, and Cate Blanchett who has perfectly been cast as the villainous stepmother.
It's hard to imagine any of these Game of Thrones actors in a light and fluffy Disney movie, but Madden is a solid actor, who will do a fine job as the Prince in it. I'm curious to see what this movie is going to end up looking like visually. Branagh full heartedly embraced (some say overused) the Dutch angle heavily used in comics when making Thor. It will be interesting to see what he carries over from the iconic animated film into his live-action take on the story.