While Hugh Jackman has been shooting X-Men: Days of Future Past, he's also been doing some reshoots for The Wolverine. Apparently, they also shot a post-credits scene with a surprise cameo that will set up an "inbetweequel" which could very well be used to connect The Wolverine with Days of Future Past.
If you don't want the cameo SPOILED for you, I suggest you stop reading now.
The news comes from Joblo, who said that the additional scenes being shot in Montreal include a surprise appearance from Professor X interacting with Wolverine. Their sources tell them that it took place at an airport and sounds "like it appears at the end of the movie, possibly when Wolverine returns from Japan." Here's a description of the scene that was filmed,
So according to our source, the airport scene involves Wolverine....and Professor X. The new scene has the two of them walking into the airport and then going into a freeze frame. The source goes on to say that while things could always change, this is what he/she witnessed and was told on the set of the re-shoot.
As you know Brett Ratner killed off Professor X in The Last Stand, and the movie takes place after that. It's still unclear how Patrick Stewart will appear in both this and X-Men: Days of Future Past, but I'm sure they'll figure it out. Along with the time travel aspect of the next film, Xavier's psychic powers can be used to fix a lot of things. There's always the whole transferring of conscious thing. Whatever it ends up being, I doubt it will be explained in The Wolverine.