Magnet Releasing has unveiled an intense red-band trailer for their upcoming Viking film Hammer of the Gods. The story for the film follows a passionate young man who transforms into a brutal warrior as he travels the unforgiving landscape in search of his long lost brother Hakan The Ferocious, who will restore order to their kingdom.
The movie comes from director Farren Blackburn who is best known for directing episodes of Doctor Who this season. It looks like he's made a gritty dark action drama that could end up being entertaining.
Set in Viking Britain in 871 AD, Hammer of the Gods is a visceral, intense tale set in a world whose only language is violence. A young Viking warrior, Steinar (Charlie Bewley), is sent by his father the king on a quest to find his estranged brother, who was banished from the kingdom many years before. Steinar's epic journey across terrifyingly hostile territory allows him to emerge as the man his father wants him to be.
The movie will be released on VOD/iTunes on May 30th and in theaters July 5th, 2013. Vikings are awesome, so hopefully the movie turns out good!