This original anime short film, Little Witch Academia, might just be the best 26-minutes of your day. It's a beautifully animated, action-packed film that you're sure to love. It's a must watch, so please, please take the time to check it out when you get a chance!
The story follows young Akko who "enrolls in magic school to be just like her idol, Shiny Chariot. But can she prove herself to the other witches in her class—and learn to believe in her own magic?" It's kind of like Harry Potter set in the world of anime, and it's packed full of wonderful characters.
The film was developed by an indie anime studio called Trigger, and was directed by Yoh Yoshinari from a script written by Masahiko Otsuka. After watching this, I can't wait to see this team start making feature films! As for this short, it needs to be turned into a series!
This is going to put a smile on your face.
Source: io9 (