Sony Pictures has released an awesome green-band theatrical trailer for the hilarious looking apocalyptic comedy This is The End. The movie stars Seth Rogen and James Franco, and revolves around a celebrity filled house party that is interrupted by the end of the world. It also stars Jonah Hill, Paul Rudd, Jay Baruchel, Jason Segel, Rihanna, Kevin Hart, Martin Star, Emma Watson, and Aziz Ansari, who all play over exaggerated versions of themselves in the film.
This trailer premiered at WonderCon last weekend, and the audience loved what they saw. It also includes a lot of new footage that shows us some more funny comedy. I have a feeling this movie is going to do very well.
The comedy This Is The End follows six friends trapped in a house after a series of strange and catastrophic events devastate Los Angeles. As the world unravels outside, dwindling supplies and cabin fever threaten to tear apart the friendships inside. Eventually, they are forced to leave the house, facing their fate and the true meaning of friendship and redemption.
The great looking comedy hits theaters on June 14th, 2013! Enjoy the new trailer!