Here's a fun fan made Wonder Woman action short film featuring the classic DC character taking on the Nazis. The short was directed by stuntman Jesse V. Johnson, so you will see some pretty cool stunt work in the short. He's worked on such films as Planet of the Apes, Avatar, Tin Tin, Thor, and Spider-Man.
Johnson is looking to make the leap into directing feature films, and thought it would be cool to make a Wonder Woman proof of concept trailer. Here's what he had to say in a statement to Latino-Review,
It was my manager / producing partner Kailey Marsh’s idea to shoot the trailer. She really believes I should be a studio director, and thought shooting Wonder Woman would be a great way to show off my skills in a fun way that people could get excited about.
It has some cool moments, and I like the tone and the setting. It's simply a fun short, and there's a lot of work that went into making it. Check it out and tell us know what you think!
Female Super Hero Fan Film from Jesse V. Johnson on Vimeo.