For a class project Transformers fan Paul Warner built this incredibly impressive 10-foot-tall Optimus Prime robot out of cardboard. I don't ever remember getting assignments like this in school! Here's what he had to say about it...
For my A-Level (Second year) my coursework project was based around the theme of Transformers, a franchise I am a big fan of. What better main-piece to do than create a giant scuplture?! Due to budget and time limitations, I thought it'd be best to construct it out of cardboard. Unfortunatly for me, I'm not Primus and can't create transformers at will! This guy took around 1 year in total to complete. Hope you enjoy looking at these piccys and don't forget to look at the completed piece afterwards, just lower your expectations is all i'm going to say... :/
I think it turned out great, but the creator didn't think it ended up being as good as he expected.
It really didn't turn out as well as I was expecting. His proportions, for one thing, are slightly off, and the hips are way too skinny for my liking. Also, the hands haven't been permanently attached due to lack of effort.
The thing is, it turned out better than anything that I could have built! Check out the rest of the pics below!