Universal Pictures and their Illumination Entertainment animation division have announced that they will be developing a new 3D animated version of Dr. Seuss' classic story How the Grinch Stole Christmas. The movie is being produced by Illumination CEO Chris Meledandri who also brought us animated versions of Dr. Seuss' Horton Hears a Who, and Dr. Suess' The Lorax. it will be directed Peter Candeland, and it will be his first feature film. Prior to this he was a commercial and music video director.
The classic Christmas story was written in 1957, and it got it's first animated adaptation in 1966, and it air on TV every year. In 2000 Universal made their Ron Howard directed live action film which starred Jim Carrey, which I actually enjoyed. So this will be the third time that the story has been adapted for the screen. I think it will be fun to see an CG animated version of the story, but no matter what they do, nothing will be as good as the original animated special that was made.
Here's a few things that Candeland has created in his career...
Gorillaz 'El Manana' from Passion Pictures on Vimeo.