The team behind Robot Chicken, Seth Green and Matt Senreich, have joined forces with Todd Grimes to develop a new CG animated Star Wars sitcom called Star Wars: Detours. The series takes place in-between Episode III and IV, and gives us a completely comedic take on the Star Wars universe. The first trailer has been released along with three clips from the series, and it's Star Wars on acid.
This is seriously unlike any thing you've seen from Star Wars before. Make sure you have an open mind when you watch this because it's a completely new twist on the universe and the characters. In fact just forget everything you know about Star Wars before you watch this stuff. It might turn you off, but keep in mind, this is mostly meant for kids. The characters are very overly animated... I'm honestly not sure if you're going to like it.
Here's the description:
Star Wars Detours is an animated comedy that explores what daily life is like in a galaxy far, far away. There are no Empires striking back or attacking clones here. Instead, Star Wars Detours focuses on the universe’s regular folks and their everyday problems… which, to be fair, do frequently involve famous bounty hunters, crazed Ewoks, and even a Dark Lord of the Sith.
Welcome to Star Wars: Detours: the other side of the stars, between the wars.
It seems to have some funny moments, it's basically Star Wars Robot Chicken, but for a much younger audience. I like it for what it is, and the character designs are fun. I'm looking forward to hearing what you think about it though! Let us know if you liked what you saw or not, and if you'll be tuning in to watch the new series. There's no word on when or where you'll be able to watch this, but it will most likely pop up sometime in 2013.