Mark Wahlberg is producing a youth driven high school set hacker film for Universal Pictures. The project is currently untitled, but it's loosely based on a GQ article called "The Hacker Is Watching." The story centers "on an anonymous, ruthless, highly skilled hacker who targets the student body of a large suburban high school."
Jonathan Herman was hired to write the script for the film. He previously wrote a remake of Alfred Hitchock's The Birds, which hopefully never gets made. There's no word on if Wahlberg will also star in the film, but it's definitely a possibility.
The article in GQ is a great read, and I suggest you check it out. It's sure to make for a solid movie! Here's the lead-in to the story...
Every online scam begins more or less the same—a random e-mail, a sketchy attachment. But every so often, a new type of hacker comes along. Someone who rewrites the rules, not just the code. He secretly burrows his way into your hard drive, then into your life. Is he following your every move?